what do i think if it ?

I would say its pretty common in the Philippines, in fact I remember there used to be a website where Filipinas who did this sort of scam were named and shamed, I forgot the website but it was in Cebu, the fact is, this story is pretty common for someone who enters into a relationship via internet and bestows on the recipient the qualities and attributes that they think would be manufactured into a silicon doll.

At a cost of £5000.00 you can buy a doll that is pure silicon, has great boobs, and every sexy titllating feature you would want, she does not answer back, does not have a headache, and at 3am in the morning, if you wake up and feel like some horizontal olympics, she never says no !.

Now if you want a virtual GF get a silicon doll, because this guy has already been taken for P300,000 and probably a bit more as well, any Filipina who plays this game should be dumped unceremoniously in style in front of her parents, as happened to one Filipina who was cheating on her American BF with a Filipino.

A certain American guy was dating a Flipina, and he proposed marriage to her after visiting twice, the first time to get to know her, the second to get to know her a little more, but he was smitten with her, he said "She has a great body, nice curves, sweet, and I have to have her"

Fair enough to that i say, we have all probably said that in the Philippines at one stage or another, we all know when we meet our girl, its christmas, and who would blame the guy for feeling like that.

Sadly for him and many others, the reality is not the same once the honeymoon is over, he continued to correspond with the girl on yahoo chat at the time, NO SKYPE back then, and no I-chat, Yahoo chat with a webcam was the only way he could see her.

About 6 months into the relationship, and after sending his girl P30,000 a month plus gifts, flowers, chocolates, you name it she had it, a jealous cousin of hers contacted the lovelorn American BF and told him, that his fiancee was having sex with a Filipino.

it turns out, the Filipina, not content with the P30,000 she was being sent a month to live on, (Lets face it, she had no money, had not ever had a job)
so this was more money than she had ever had before, and plus the fact she had the latest Nokia mobile, nice clothes, jewellry, and just about every other luxury she had never had before)

Anyway it turns out, she was attending college paid for by the American boyfriend as she wanted to get a college degree, whilst there she met a Filipino, and they became lovers, the cousin jealous of the money and attention she was getting from the American decided that the Filipina was taking the proverbial p.....

She contacted the American and told him by text, what her cousin was doing, at first he did not believe it, but when he told the story to another guy who had visited Philippines many times, he suggested the use of a detective agency.

The American then contacted a firm of foreigners who go to the Philippines most years to provide video surveillance reports on girls, where the fiance does not trust the situation, or feels uncomfortable about his relationship, very similar to cheaters on SKY for those that watch it.

True to form, he paid USD 300.00 for a guy to go and provide a report on Filipinas, with video camera footage and all the rest including details of her movements, checking out her story and address.

When the Foreigners came back to him, he saw footage of her cavorting around town with a Filipino, and found that the room he was paying for was being lived in by the Filipina and her lover, all at his expense, with the Filipino eating out most days at the expense of the American.

So the American decided not to get mad, but to get even, and he did just that, the engagement was set for about 2 months from that moment, so he carefully made his plans and how he would deal with his scamming little filipino flower.

This was his plan.

When it was time to fly to Manila, he went as normal, meeting his little flower at the airport, pretending nothing was wrong, he kept up his act as best he could, even looking in her face and not wanting to believe that she had done the dirty on him.

Still he kept up his guard, a week later it was the time of the engagement party, a big party at a local restaraunt, over 50 guests showed up for the party, the Mother the Father and the family were all in attendance, it was a lavish gathering, costing in excess of P25,000.

Having planned his grand finale, he paid the restaraunt owner , so that he could leave once he played his trump card, after all he thought her parents were nice people.

And it went like this : when it was time to give his speech, he simply wished all the guests well, and started by saying:

"As you all known xxx and I have been a couple for 8 months, in all that time I have worked so hard to be where we are today, not a moment went by that I did not think of this day, I made lots of sacrifices to be here, but here we are, of course sometimes things happen that you do not expect, but I just want to say, that it really hits you hard, when you find out, that the love of your life is a dirty little whore."

"Now xxx is going to explain to you all why she has been fxxxxxx someone else for 6 months while I have been working my ass off to come and make this engagement happen, I am sure she has alot of explaining to do, oh by the way, I am leaving now, as I have a flight to catch.

This represents a narration of a true story that happened to an American about 3 years ago, the story still rings in my mind, its common, it wont be the first story of its type, and I am confident, that it will not be the last.