u know my gf as the same story with her male cousin as the local filipino bf! is gf as a american bf whos just payed for her annulment and looking after her and her family as there in the country.
as the gf is staying in manilla to get her annulment and hes staying with her too.
but the foreign bf came to see her and meet her in manilla,the cousin told the foreigner about my gfs family helping him(hes on a cargo ship now,best place for him) so the foreigner wanted to say thanks to my gf and her mom for helping the cousin and is gf by taking them to dinner,my gf declined after the cousin asked them to say he was staying with them for the past 2 weeks and not with the girl?
u know how they all met?
the american and the gf already met and had plans,so he got a local business to support her and her family,guess who he employed as the manager? yep the cousin and when the business wasnt going to well(i wonder why!)he sent them both some money!

i did tell my gf to meet him and tell him,but she wouldnt.

theres a sucker born every minute,sadly.

at least some people can see this forum and open there eyes?.