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Thread: visa: to join mother/cyr

  1. #1
    Member DAnn's Avatar
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    visa: to join mother/cyr


    We first applied for my child's visa in June, so she could join me here and my husband. It was refused at first. We appealed in July. In October, we rcvd news that the refusal decision was revoked and my child was informed by vfs that she can bring her passport to their office so that the visa may now be issued.

    We were so happy about the news that we didn't notice until too late (the passport was already submitted to vfs by then) when we read the last few lines in the email sent to my child, saying that if we preferred for the visa to be in effect in a later date then we should indicate it when my child submits her passport. In other words we did not indicate anything, we got too excited and overlooked this bit. So my child submitted her passport to VFS and went home. We expected it would be back soon but no.

    ok, question: why would a person want to delay the effectivity of child/dependent visa? what are reasons? what are the pros and cons? we don't understand why this option is being given

    Then, a confusion about how to deliver/collect her passport from vfs caused another delay. I had to call the UK embassy which had costed me nearly GBP20.00 inquiring where my child's passport is and why the delay. To cut the story short, my child rcvd call from vfs and they finally managed to deliver the passport to my child. Looks like she has been granted a visa. It shows:

    Number of entries MULT
    Type TO JOIN MOTHER/CYR (and my initials) (question: what does CYR mean?) what type of visa is this?
    the validity of visa is the same as mine
    and NO RECOURSE TO PUBLIC FUNDS same as it says on mine.

    question: does she have to leave Phils straight away? I mean, is there an expiry for her to travel to UK? When we first applied for her dependant visa and it was refused, we decided to enrol her back to college in Manila, so she is now studying there and we intend for her to finish this term at least, if possible before she joins us here in UK. Is this ok? or does she really have to leave Phils now or asap?

    Another question, her TB cert is now expired but like what I mentioned above, looks like she has been granted a dependant visa (or what type of visa is that she has been granted? pls see details above)
    Is this going to be a problem when she enters UK?

    And, does she need to attend CFO seminar too?

    She was under 18 when we first applied for her visa. She turned 18 yrs old weeks ago. Does she need this DSWD travel clearance? She is now 18 and is not a "minor" anymore in terms of age, but she is leaving the country using a child/dependant visa.

    Does she need to apply for BRP ID before she leaves Manila? Do I need to get BRP ID too?

    Sorry too many q's. Need your advice please. Will truly appreciate any info/advice.


  2. #2
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    Did you already hold ILR at the time of original application ?

  3. #3
    Member DAnn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Did you already hold ILR at the time of original application ?
    I believe my visa is still FLR as it is now.

    I came here in 2014 on spouse visa. We applied for my child's visa mid-2015.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by DAnn View Post
    ok, question: why would a person want to delay the effectivity of child/dependent visa? what are reasons? what are the pros and cons? we don't understand why this option is being given
    What is the start date and expiry date of your daughters visa?

    Your daughter does not have ILE dur to your immigration status.
    Her visa has a specified start and expiry date.
    Normally the UK entry can be at any time during the validity. Expiry date will not change.

    In principle those, like your daughter, who need to meet a qualifying period before applying for further leave to remain or settlement should ideally start their 'qualifying period' in a time frame that allows them to ensure that will be able to meet the qualifying period within the visa validity without unnecessary applications for extensions of stay.
    Hope that explains the consequences of delaying entry

    The only limiting factor is that UKVI will only normally defer the start date of the visa up to a maximum 3 months from the date of application.
    Just what this date is in your case is best explained by your immigration advisor.
    I think the best person to clarify all the details is actually your immigration advisor as that is the only person who hold all the facts concerned the status, restrictions and controls following appeal.

    BTW, I've not come by any case where validity changes can be effected in excees of 3 months in the case of a correctly issued visa.

    Quote Originally Posted by DAnn View Post
    Another question, her TB cert is now expired but like what I mentioned above, looks like she has been granted a dependant visa (or what type of visa is that she has been granted? pls see details above)
    Is this going to be a problem when she enters UK?
    Valid TB certificate is a requirement for visa application only.
    Your daughter already has her visa. The TB certificate does not need updating.

    Quote Originally Posted by DAnn View Post
    And, does she need to attend CFO seminar too?
    My understanding is that she will need a CFO sticker. Whether she will be required to attend any seminar etc is for the CFO to decide. Best if she will discuss directly with CFO.
    Whatever CFO demand needs to be complied with.
    It shouldn't be a problem

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