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Thread: Recently Gained British Citizenship > Has Filipino Passport > Wants to Travel….

  1. #1
    Respected Member New Shoes's Avatar
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    Question Recently Gained British Citizenship > Has Filipino Passport > Wants to Travel….

    Hello there,

    My wife recently attained her British Citizenship, her current passport is her Filipino passport (maiden name) and she would like to take a trip to the Philippines the beginning of March 2016.

    Am I right in thinking that the moment she became a British citizen, her Filipino passport and her BRP are essentially void / obsolete?

    We were going to book plane tickets but then I thought that now she is a British citizen, he cannot use the Filipino passport or BRP as will be invalid for travel (unless she re-applies for Filipino citizenship (therefore she becomes dual nationality).

    Is this correct?

    Many thanks,

  2. #2
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    She can still use her Filipino Passport as long as it's still valid, also when her passport is ready for renewal contact Philippine Embassy to get it renewed and ask them about Dual Citizenship, I thing you'll find all can be dealt with in one swoop!

  3. #3
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    Be very carefully about this.

    Technically she lost her Filipino citizenship (and so the eligibility for her passport) the moment she took her oath at the British Citizenship ceremony.
    However, until it's cancelled she can still use it as long as she doesn't tell anyone at all that she is a British Citizen.

    Under which name did she have on her British Naturalisation Certificate ?

    If it's her maiden name (exactly the same as her Filipino passport) then she's good to go for her British Passport which would then be issued in her maiden name.

    If her British Naturalisation Certificate shows her married name (ie different from her Filipino passport then she'll not be able to secure her British Passport until her Filipino passport shows her married name also.

    Her BRP must always show the same details (name etc) as her passport.

    So the only passport she'll have for a March trip is her Filipino one.

    To get a Filipino passport in her married name she'll need to first take the Oath Ceremony at the Philippine Embassy then wait around 12-18 weeks before she'll get her new passport.

  4. #4
    Respected Member New Shoes's Avatar
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    Many thanks for the replies. More info;

    The name on the British Naturalisation certificate in her married name. Her Filipino passport shows her maiden name, the BRP also shows her maiden name.

    Regarding telling anyone, she's told her friends and work mates and of course she's posted it on FaceBook.

    I'm worried that when she returns and goes through UK Immigration, they may be a marker against her BRP / Passport.

    I read somewhere that the Philippine embassy issue a letter / certificate stating that a person is not a Filipino citizen any longer and the UK Passport Office accepts this letter. Any thoughts on this?

    It may be easier to go through the proper procedure and change the Filipino passport to the married name and then apply for a Brit passport. ???????

    Thanks again,

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by New Shoes View Post
    The name on the British Naturalisation certificate in her married name. Her Filipino passport shows her maiden name, the BRP also shows her maiden name.
    British passport is not possible just yet.

    Quote Originally Posted by New Shoes View Post
    Regarding telling anyone, she's told her friends and work mates and of course she's posted it on FaceBook.

    I'm worried that when she returns and goes through UK Immigration, they may be a marker against her BRP / Passport.
    Why would there be a marker against her BRP ??? she's done nothing wrong and she's legally a British Citizen. There's nothing to be concerned about on that aspect at all.

    Her Filipino passport is still valid. Means she can still use it.
    The word is "Technically" she's no longer eligible. But who will know if she doesn't inform the Philippine Embassy.

    Quote Originally Posted by New Shoes View Post
    I read somewhere that the Philippine embassy issue a letter / certificate stating that a person is not a Filipino citizen any longer and the UK Passport Office accepts this letter. Any thoughts on this?
    How on earth would the Philippine Embassy have any information or idea that she is no longer a Filipino Citizen ? Who would tell them ? How could they possibly know.

    That's just not at all true.

    Quote Originally Posted by New Shoes View Post
    It may be easier to go through the proper procedure and change the Filipino passport to the married name and then apply for a Brit passport. ???????
    That's a personal choice.
    You already know that your wife needs to book an appointment at the Embassy for her citizenship retention Oath Taking.
    The Embassy will cancel her old passport immediately. She'll need to apply for a new passport in her married name. Takes between 12-18 weeks.

    She'll need to do that in order to secure a British Passport.

  6. #6
    Respected Member SimonH's Avatar
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    Just apply for a British passport in the name that appears on her British Naturalisation Certificate

  7. #7
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    British passport is not possible just yet.

    Regarding telling anyone, she's told her friends and work mates and of course she's posted it on FaceBook.

    I'm worried that when she returns and goes through UK Immigration, they may be a marker against her BRP / Passport.

    Why would there be a marker against her BRP ??? she's done nothing wrong and she's legally a British Citizen. There's nothing to be concerned about on that aspect at all.

    Her Filipino passport is still valid. Means she can still use it.
    The word is "Technically" she's no longer eligible. But who will know if she doesn't inform the Philippine Embassy.
    Why is British Passport not possible yet? we've just applied for Maritess Passport
    Last edited by Arthur Little; 3rd December 2015 at 20:41. Reason: [/QUOTE] appeared again as [QUOTE] - minus 'slash/oblique' - underneath original [/QUOTE]

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Parnham View Post
    Why is British Passport not possible yet? we've just applied for Maritess Passport
    Unless the regulations have changed it's necessary to submit:-

    - the naturalisation or registration certificate
    - the passport you used to come into the UK or foreign passport you’re included on

    According to United Kingdom Identity & Passport Service (IPS) the names on both documents are supposed to be the same.

  9. #9
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Unless the regulations have changed it's necessary to submit:-

    - the naturalisation or registration certificate
    - the passport you used to come into the UK or foreign passport you’re included on

    According to United Kingdom Identity & Passport Service (IPS) the names on both documents are supposed to be the same.
    That's what we've done, also paid the extra for Post Office Checking Service and secure return of everything Peter!

  10. #10
    Respected Member New Shoes's Avatar
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    Thanks again for the replies. Much appreciated!

    BTW Terpe, regarding post I wrote hearing about a letter the Philippine embassy can write confirming that a Filipino is no longer a Filipino citizen…………….It was in relation to a post I'd read on here about someone having difficulty obtaining a British passport because their Filipino passport was in their maiden name. At the person's request, the Philippine Embassy wrote a letter confirming the person was no longer a Filipino citizen (due to obtaining British citizenship). The letter was then presented with the Brit passport application form for UK passport agency…….. How true this is, I don't know.

    Anyway, we're going to get a Filipino passport in her married name and then apply for a British passport.

    Thanks again for the replies

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