Originally posted by dave65@Feb 10 2006, 12:42 PM
I guess the title says it all really but i was just wondering are these fairly straight forward or are they usually turned down
i would like for Jasmine to be able to visit even if only for a couple of weeks
David I will be writing to you under seperate cover, but for the purposes of this public forum, I will say that Visitors visa's are generally hard to obtain for the following situations
1. Female visitors to the UK to stay with Male UK Nationals.
2. In-Laws both female and male to visit daughter in UK.
Pauldo, has proved it can be done, by obtaining his MIL admittance to the UK, visitors visa's are under a seperate set of rules, very often the burden of proof and financial arrangements are incumbent upon the applicant to supply adequate proof to the Entry Clearance Officer of
1. Sufficient funds on time deposit with a Philippine Bank to enable bona fida status as a tourist in the UK without recourse to emergency public assistance by the United Kingdom Government.
2. Compelling reasons which would satisfy the Entry Clearance Officer that the applicant has sufficient economic stablity, to prevent them from remaining within the United Kingdom and that there is no risk of flight to the visited country, and that the applicant will return to the country of embarkation at the end of their stay.
Most Visitor Visa's are declined on the basis, that the applicant has not in the view of the Entry Clearance officer demonstrated enough proof both documentary and orally to satisfy the admission under the above criteria.
What does all this mean...now I can cut the offical terminology.
In my experiences, the best way to obtain a visitors visa, is to not follow the normal process, the applicant cannot rely simply on a UK Sponsor, the rules do not allow for this, that is why UK Sponsors such as a British Man, supply a financial guarantee, the rules do not allow for a guarantee to be offered, and if it was offered it would be simply dismissed as irrelevant.
Spouse's of British Nationals tend to fair better with respect to visitor visa's simply because they are being financially supported by the husband, in most cases an Entry Clearance officer will look sympathetically at such an application, I know of cases, where a Filipino Female has entered the UK on a visitor visa, and returned later back to the Philippines to then apply for a settlement visa for the purposes of permanent settlement with the UK Husband.
However, as I said previously, money talks, some Filipino applicants resort to using ' Agencies ' and paying a large amount of cash, which they have borrowed, sometimes up to 500,000 Pesos to use the services of a fixer, the fixer agency normally can secure a visitor visa for the applicant, this has often involved a transfer of a time deposit to an account, to substantiate bona fida tourist status, out of this fund, then the agency fees are taken, and whatever pay offs that have to be deducted, in the Philippines of course, there are always pay offs, to be deducted, express fees, fixer fees, it all amounts to the same thing, money fixes everything. Very often the large amount of cash has been borrowed from money lenders, some Filipinos who come to UK never go back, as they have to find work in the informal economy to survive, they then spend the next few years working, mostly in London to pay off the money lenders and provide sustenance to their families, such is the lot of a visitor visa applicant who is an overstayer.
The main reason why so many tourist visa's are declined, is that so many tourists never return, over 60,000 Filipino tourists are known to be living in London alone, my sources tell me, that it is thought, over 60 per cent of these came on tourist visas of one kind or another, they have overstayed, those who overstay, may be granted amnesty after 14 years, thats a long time to wait looking over your shoulder, it seems to me these days, every Filipino I meet in London, in the Filipino British Community, is an overstayer, it seems to be accepted, it is often the source of mirth and laughter that when my wife and I go to a gathering, my wife is the only 'LEGAL' Filipino at the gathering, that should tell you something about visitors visas, it may also give you an insight into why so many tourist visa's are simply declined due to lack of compelling reasons to return.
Compelling reasons are as follows:
1. A Long term career or professional position in the Philippines such as
Or those with extensive property and financial assets, after all, there are so very rich Filipinos who can move around without let or hindrance.
Everyone else of course simply gets treated in a totally different way, as I said, money and wealth is the key, if you have it, you dont seem to have a problem, if you are poor, then you are seen as an economic migrant.
There is no harm in applying for a visitor visa for your GF or Fiancee, but reasons such as :
"I want my GF to come to UK and see our country and spend some time with my family before we get engaged"
Will simply muddy the waters and fall on deaf ears.
If you dont agree with my lengthy peice, fire away, Im all ears !!!
Thats me....Pete, I always tell it how it is !!