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  1. #1
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    I doubt we'd have efficient health service without the Filipino's these days. They do all the work while the 'whities' are on a tea break for the 4th time in there shift!!

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  2. #2
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    Originally posted by admin@Feb 13 2006, 09:45 AM
    I doubt we'd have efficient health service without the Filipino's these days. They do all the work while the 'whities' are on a tea break for the 4th time in there shift!!
    Your having a joke right !!!

    Well i hope they perform better than they do in the P.I. Standards are p--s poor

    Bring back the Matron
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  3. #3
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    Originally posted by deepete@Feb 13 2006, 11:00 AM
    Bring back the Matron
    Oh yes, I worked as a health Care Assistant for the NHS and BUPA for 10 years.
    I have seen so much change over that period. Those pen pushers hidden away upstairs in some broom cupboard, supposedly running the joint. If you need anything, advice, someone to turn to in certain situations, there isn't anyone to go to anymore.
    All people CAN do, is get fustrated that what needs to change, doesn't, which causes bitterness and a horrible atmosphere in the work place.
    I was very young and had only been doing the job about 3 years when they started to bring the filipino nurses over. They just get on with it, they are like machines, they work so many hours and really do their best to make good of any bad situation.
    I really do believe that the NHS would be in a worse state it is in now, if it weren't for them.
    So, I couldn't agree with deepete more...

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Originally posted by Gingwa@Feb 13 2006, 03:24 PM
    Oh yes, I worked as a health Care Assistant for the NHS and BUPA for 10 years.
    I have seen so much change over that period. Those pen pushers hidden away upstairs in some broom cupboard, supposedly running the joint. If you need anything, advice, someone to turn to in certain situations, there isn't anyone to go to anymore.
    All people CAN do, is get fustrated that what needs to change, doesn't, which causes bitterness and a horrible atmosphere in the work place.
    I was very young and had only been doing the job about 3 years when they started to bring the filipino nurses over. They just get on with it, they are like machines, they work so many hours and really do their best to make good of any bad situation.
    I really do believe that the NHS would be in a worse state it is in now, if it weren't for them.
    So, I couldn't agree with deepete more...
    Hmm strange.

    My sister is a staff nurse back in Ireland and she has not got a good word to say about them.

    She's says they are lazy, turn up for there shifts late (obviously still on filipino time) and are very selfish and inconsiderate to the other memebers of staff.

    Guess it might be an isolated incident

  5. #5
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Shamrockdave2003@Feb 13 2006, 07:52 PM
    Hmm strange.

    My sister is a staff nurse back in Ireland and she has not got a good word to say about them.

    She's says they are lazy, turn up for there shifts late (obviously still on filipino time) and are very selfish and inconsiderate to the other memebers of staff.

    Guess it might be an isolated incident
    My friend works with filipinos in a nursing home and has nothing but good things to say about them. I think it is like any culture were you have people who work hard and those that are lazy!!


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