A visit from the kids the other day and they was asking how long have you to go know before you leave,
Well we have another Christmas here with you was the answer from me and also Emma too,
Why are you waiting when you can go now if you really want too,
This got me thinking , do we set a date and are happy working up to that date or do you say sod it and take the plunge , to risky in my eyes to do the second,
Well you have enough money dont you,
Yes and no , we have more then we will ever need if it all goes well, dont get me wrong we are not rich compared to some but also we are not poor either, i have had this figure i am wanting in the bank to think thats a good cushion for the jut in case plus there is extra for the nice things too,
I am worried even a little frightened too i am going to somewhere i have really no idea about day to day living , that is why i am trying to read and find out all i can before we say bye bye,
I know many will say you have to be here to sort lots out , to see if you have made the right choice and so on, but a little knowledge can help too,
Anyway we are still on plan and yes plans can change too, but so far so good,
I have just thought , are the kids trying to get rid of me or something