until selling up in 1991
Fred, hardly a reasonable comparison now, i.e. that was 25 years ago. Lots of things have changed since then. Including being able avoid / evade taxes.
In Spain if one has assets totally 50,000 euros, that are located outside Spain they must be declared, with an up date every year. Failure to do is a minimum fine of 10,000 euros up to a fine of 150% of the assets not declared plus interest. A Spaniard was recently made to pay 460,000 euros because he failed to declare 350,000 euros in Switzerland.
Also if one is tax resident (living) in Spain then they must pay tax on any properties additional to their main home, owned anywhere in the world. We pay Spanish tax on my wife's house in Philippines.
If one has assets worldwide over 1 million euros there is also a wealth tax which must be paid
Also inheritance taxes, even between spouses, can be astronomical.
Tax haven it is not !