This is shocking.
Clear breach of trust.
Hang the SOB.![]()
This is shocking.
Clear breach of trust.
Hang the SOB.![]()
Why was a male nurse treating a female, particulary taking her to the CR? Most hospitals male nurses are in the minority so not normally a problem.
Unbelievable. Talk about taking advantage of vulnerability!!! This is really horrible.
He could be with that name but i have no idea personally if e is or not
there is a picture of hiim on the sun website - he looks lke aif you ask me..
yes he is a filpino i work at the same hospital as him
yea but i was born there![]()
Yeah but I live here!
it dosn't mention his sentance for the charge of sexual activity with a child under 18 by a person in a position of trust, but it still took the jury 7 hours to decide he wasn't guilty, he should not be allowed to work in a poistion of trust again..took advantage of a 16 year old girl who took a drug over dose
How would you feel now if it had been your daughter...???
Wether rape was established or not, it is not the case in question.
As Joe states... " Position of trust"...
To me it means if she was in any way incapacitated or incapable it is rape. Nothing else than that.
condem someone, he had already admitted the charge of sexual activity with a child under 18 by a person in a position of trust,but was denying rape, rape has a low conviction rate, usually its his word against hers, and how many juries would convict someone on that, the girl obviously needs some form of Psychiatric help.
'Look at the confusion with the DNA samples in the madeline case ' what confusion? i thought the Portuguese police couldn't comment on the case, and what you've read hear say from the newspapers..
oh no i've not got faith in the justice system or the upper class judges, i've seen howit can be, when my younger brother was attacked by 2 scumbags and how each of them was allowed character witnesses
in court, on how decent each of them were, and oh funny the judge wouldn't or couldn't mention one had a record as long as my arm for stealing cars, being drunk and the other was convicted of GBH, and i wasn't allowed to say a word . justice
That happened when the man followed his dick without using his head...Poor man can`t just wait til get home and be contented with his wife. That what he pays for his unfaithfulness. I hope that story will serve as a lesson to men, BE FAITHFUL to your wife, no matter what goddess standing infront of you. A few second of lust will destroyed all your dignity and career that you ve been value all your life.
i stand corrected,he is from the philipines but im not sure if he as a uk passport as he of been working here awhile.
have a read here it shows both sides of the story,but who do u beleive?
i prefer to hear both sides of the story before i condem someone as u never know what really happened,its just peoples different story on the same subject.
its all about getting it right,u never know when that someone is innocent?
he wont get put in jail,maybe a suspended sentence?
he might even keep is job!
his family are suffering more?
but he should be sacked and sent home,wat he thought he was doing god only knows!
Here we go with the latest news about the "incident"....
He didn't get away with it, although I still think that he should still serve a much longer sentence and be stripped of his british citizenship.
good he's got a bit of time alone, to think about what he's done, not only to his family, and the girl but how he let himslef down to.. he should be struck off as a nurse to, just like any teacher, doctor, police officer should be for the same crime.
I don't know if he was struck off or if the procedure means it takes time for them to do it or do they need a complaint first to act? Maybe one fo the nurses on here knows?
One thing for sure i doubt hospitals will touch him with a barge pole. I bet he doesn't ask to be sent to his motherland to serve out his sentce.
To Oliver Balicao, you just let many Filipino Nurses here and abroad down.
You only made the producers of the hit US television series "Desperate Housewives" laughing at our face. Teri Hatcher must be feeling
to us and the worst...many innocent filipinos may be judged again.
A winning horse doesn't know why it runs in a race.
It runs because of the hits of pain.
Life is a race. God is your rider.
So if you're in pain,
then think God wants you to win
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