he wont get put in jail,maybe a suspended sentence?
he might even keep is job!
his family are suffering more?
but he should be sacked and sent home,wat he thought he was doing god only knows!
he wont get put in jail,maybe a suspended sentence?
he might even keep is job!
his family are suffering more?
but he should be sacked and sent home,wat he thought he was doing god only knows!
Most likely he will end up in charge of a childrens hospital knowing the messed up ways of the world.
I think the Madeline case which the media for whatever reason seized on straight away and the parents taking such a PR intensive course of action threw things all over the place. I doubt if a child went missing in the UK wheter straight away, they would seal the UK's borders or even look more than a few miles away. Look how long it takes them to react to any crime.
The way the parents and their family seemed to discuss this crime which would have in this country being discouraged by the police and legal team to prevent sub jucidy issues and the lack of a right to a fair trial being suggested by the suspects legal team problems and in portugal they had different laws which certain parts of the Media were critcal of which didn't go down well in the whole of portugal. With the police and nation being portrayed as some backward country. That the UK with its perfect policing would have the crime solved by lunchtime.
I feel IMO that the Police were as indivuals at local level not impressed by this parents going out drinking while leaving there kids away from them. Again people bringing in their personal feelings into an investigation which may well have affected it.
not just your average parents, they are professionals, she's a gp and hes a consultant, must have a combined income of at least 150k a year, and they couldn't get a baby sitter, i wouldn't or never would even think of leaving my 7 year old alone, never mind a 5yr old and 2yr old twins...
and i believe that many of the group were doctorsyou would have thought they should know better
There were both indivual babysitters and some other form of baby sitting service.
As Dom will for sure know and im sure many others will know most contential resturants are far more family orientated than ones here in the UK(although thats changed with the influx of european staff in many I have noticed) who will dote on the kids and be insulted if you did not bring them almost. Just like in most Phill resturants where kids will be running around, eating with the parents or dozing in the corner. Whatever no family would leave them alone that is for sure.
But remeber Joe Sir, one rule for us plebs and another for superior than thou types it appears the way they treated the media and demanded the police to so this and that showed the type of people they are imho.
Not being affilated to any party as Democracy is a lie, at least this government is doing something about, never in the history of the UK have we actually had any immigration laws in place. The Tories completely ignored the issue, how many did they deport? Erm....probably count it on one hand. Now we have numerous planes a week shipping them back (at our expense, but then if we didn't pay, they stay).
It was also the Tories who done all the arguing for the Human Rights Bill, it was Labour who ended up having to sign it!!
Keith - Administrator
Here we go with the latest news about the "incident"....
He didn't get away with it, although I still think that he should still serve a much longer sentence and be stripped of his british citizenship.
good he's got a bit of time alone, to think about what he's done, not only to his family, and the girl but how he let himslef down to.. he should be struck off as a nurse to, just like any teacher, doctor, police officer should be for the same crime.
I don't know if he was struck off or if the procedure means it takes time for them to do it or do they need a complaint first to act? Maybe one fo the nurses on here knows?
One thing for sure i doubt hospitals will touch him with a barge pole. I bet he doesn't ask to be sent to his motherland to serve out his sentce.
To Oliver Balicao, you just let many Filipino Nurses here and abroad down.
You only made the producers of the hit US television series "Desperate Housewives" laughing at our face. Teri Hatcher must be feeling
to us and the worst...many innocent filipinos may be judged again.
A winning horse doesn't know why it runs in a race.
It runs because of the hits of pain.
Life is a race. God is your rider.
So if you're in pain,
then think God wants you to win
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