it dosn't mention his sentance for the charge of sexual activity with a child under 18 by a person in a position of trust, but it still took the jury 7 hours to decide he wasn't guilty, he should not be allowed to work in a poistion of trust again..took advantage of a 16 year old girl who took a drug over dose
How would you feel now if it had been your daughter...???
Wether rape was established or not, it is not the case in question.
As Joe states... " Position of trust"...
To me it means if she was in any way incapacitated or incapable it is rape. Nothing else than that.
condem someone, he had already admitted the charge of sexual activity with a child under 18 by a person in a position of trust,but was denying rape, rape has a low conviction rate, usually its his word against hers, and how many juries would convict someone on that, the girl obviously needs some form of Psychiatric help.
Joe i don't think on anyone on here wants people to get off crimes particularly very nasty crimes like this.
But we all have in either the UK or any other country heard of people being made to confess or testify to something which later it turns out didn't happen or not at least the way it was suggested.
The case of the guy who had learning difficulties who was accused of a murder, but was with his aunt at the time in a public space, but the police got a confession and only recently a guy was convicted of the crime. Once the poor guy and his family had suffered for a long time and the falsely accused guy had passed away.
i was talking about what bornabirth said, that he would give them a benefit of a courting hearing, becuase of what dom said, but he had already admitted it, and i'm sure the police could have got dna evidence so he had no choice but to admit having sex with her.. but as for rape, well only he and the girl know what really happened..
i know the case you mean Stefan Kiszko spent 16 years for a murder he didn't commitbut with dna evidence now,. chances of someone being made to confess must be rare. i don't think they had dna testing techniques, like they do now.. yes it's sad that he suffered. and i think he died less than a year after he had been freed...
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