Pair insist they'd do it again ... and I, for one, admire them for sticking to their guns.
Pair insist they'd do it again ... and I, for one, admire them for sticking to their guns.
... lest anyone should think I am homophobic, I'm NOT,
... I simply adhere to the traditional view that marriage is intended to be between two people of the opposite gender.
Good for them, if they don't like poofs then it's their prerogative not to serve them![]()
I think gays and lessie's have a serious brain problem because something's not right, just my opinion![]()
So if you had children or grand children and they came to tell you they where gay, would you still think they have a brain problem ,
Being the father of a gay son you see things different from someone who has no idea , live and let live i say, but like you its just my opinion
Difficult decision when it affects you, one just hopes that your offspring follow the usual route......![]()
Thats the problem these days what is the usual route, times are indeed changing,
Most of our parents married and lived together no matter what, till death do us part and it does still happen , but look at some of us , 2/3 or even more wives , older wives , younger wives ,
I use to say when i was in the Phils , look at them he is old enough to be her dad, even grandad, and Ems use to say, AS LONG AS THEY ARE HAPPY WHAT HAS IT TO DO WITH OTHERS, WISE WOULDS,
I now live by that , what has it got to do with others
I have gay friends and relatives and I don't think they have serious brain problems. They're just normal people with different preferences like everyone else. I'd be happy to have them as company than be with people judging others' lives through their gender preferences.
...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...
BOTH Steve and Rayna have raised
s. NONE of us ...
... after all, is given the choice as to our [inate] sexual orientation.
... in other words, individual sexual preferences are inborn! Because of this, of course, I'm fully aware there will always be those who "bat the other way", so to speak. Although relieved to be totally heterosexual, I am equally conscious of the expression, "there but for the grace of God, go I!" Therefore, if I discovered I had a close relative who turned out to be gay, it certainly wouldn't mean I'd love that person any the less.
Having said as much, I still maintain that sanctioning 'gay marriage' is a step too far.
I hope I've managed to make myself clear.![]()
NO, Jake ... my first marriage took place in the Church of Scotland very nearly fifty years' ago. Whereas my second happened to be a civil ceremony, the MAIN reason being, I'd heard that the Catholic Church in the Phils was inclined to be somewhat dilatory in sending certificates to local Registry Offices, thereby, of course, delaying the Spousal Visa process.
Clearly, then, I don't see anything wrong with Civil partnerships when - as nature intended (see #2) - they're between participants of the opposite gender.![]()
Thank you Arthur,
I was not getting at you at all about this thread, and i also say what these people stood up for is right too,
Its the silly remarks that gays and lessies have something wrong with them , silly words
It's about discrimination and nothing else. The couple in question should be allowed to sell or not sell to who they wish.
To put it into perspective I'm going to find a Muslim owned cake shop and order a Christening cake, with the words welcome to the Christian world on it. I wonder if I'll be served or more to the point will the shop owners be taken to court when they don't serve me![]()
Thanks for the rep Marco, and I get that too, must pass reps around
I can't say I'm surprised that these people were taken to court. After all, in this day and age in the UK, if you're either gay, muslim, or originate from Angola, you have more rights than anyone else. The rest of us don't deserve to have rights and beliefs it seems.![]()
I just wish the world only had the, so called ‘problem’ of there being homosexuals, as long as my right not be be one is respected and I am not forced to support views and lifestyles which I do not wish to do so.
In the case of the bakers: I see it should be one’s right to serve people, be friends with or not, etc anyone you do not want to associate with.
I live in Spain, I don’t want a law which says the Spanish must like me. If they do that’s great if not, so what and I will continue not, at every opportunity, to shove my proclivities down their throats, insisting they have to accept them.
I have a gay brother,believe me he brings joy to our family.he is unique and have this ability to make everyone smile/laugh in his effortless way.i love gays and I think they deserve a fair respect like every men and women get.Thats my opinion.
Don't you think we have lost the plot ?
We should not respect people, because they are gay, black, tall, short, stupid etc. If we respect them because of their differences we are discriminating for or against them, instead of just accepting them as fellow human beings who we like or don't like.
Well said that maninstead of just accepting them as fellow human beings who we like or don't like.![]()
There are lots of people in this world and maybe there are a few people on this forum who are lets say not the norm, but does that make us any different from each other, we all breath and we all will one day die,
Like you say Simon it was a personal view but it did say he thinks that gays and lessies have a brain problem,
I could not stay quite on this at all and i dont think anyone who has a son , daughter or any friend who are different to us so called normal people as they say thats why i replied ,
My son i love and i am proud of him , he works hard saves hard , drinks to much, and has such a gathering of great friends girls and boys he is just amazing, i see him no different to anyones child,
Again this is just my opinion just like ever other person on here, but please try to get your facts rights before we start calling someone who maybe is a little different then ourselves
My thoughts too Steve. I know several gay people and some are very good friends, just because I used the term 'poof' doesn't mean I think any less of them. In fact I use this term affectionately to their face. They just laugh as they know I don't mean any offence![]()
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