Today I decided that work was not in my plans for the day.

Looking out of the window this morning and the weather made my mind up for me...

Everywhere was white with frost, real heavy.

And the thought of spending 3/4 of an hour or more on the M53/56/ and M6, going to the office, was quickly dismissed.

My yearly target has been achieved and passed, my bonuses are secured, my monthly target has been done in the first 2 weeks of December.
All I would do in the office now, is mop up and annoy clients even more than I have been doing fore the past 12 months.
Enough is enough, it is bad enough that I will have to go in tomorrow (saturday) for a few hours because the office target, thanks to some other guys, hasn't been done yet.
Sometime I feel deeply victimized because, although I usually exceed my personal targets, I still have to "chip in"....

Sales suck.........

anybody wants to buy some expensive wines for Xmas...? (sorry Keith)