Yes Bus drivers are w-----s,
Coming home tonight there is a bus lane and you just do not go in it else there is a automatic fine, but at the end of this lane there is a right turn and you can get around 4 cars in, i was the fourth car half in and half out,
This driver came mounted the curd to get his front end just infront of me, we was sitting eye to eye, ok he was a lot higher then me, but would he look at me , NOT A CHANCE, i kept on looking at this w----r but he did not return the look, then the lights change and i went infront of him not in the bus lane and then he hit his horn,
Why i have no idea , there are cameras on these buses front /back and on the sides so surely i must have done something wrong , i did not put my brakes on at all but i did drive slow so he could past me if he wanted , but he did not,
W------s like him should not be allowed to be on the road,
Now breath and thats better