Originally posted by rhearose@Mar 6 2006, 07:27 AM
Im John's wife and i just got my spouse visa today which really bring joy to my heart.The UKVACS just sent back all my original and photocopy files with my passport and visa on it.They havent require me any interview at all.They just get the visa fee and my VAF2006 form.I sent all our files just this 20th in february.
But what my husband and I do,we comply all the requirements from the embassy for spouse visa and arrange it well in the folder and sealed it with our prayers.....From time to time,we also ask a lot of info from the guys of this forum and get right info from them.
I have a friend who applied for spouse visa and got her visa also with a short range of time.But whether your girl applied for spouse or fiancee as long as u meet all the requirements then she will have it.......

RHEA what VAF2006 form? Usually VAF2 2005 Settlement forms in Philippines :( Analin and I are to be married this year either in Bacolod Ph or here in UK ANy idea which would be better?