The other day one of our drivers was involved in a accident , it was at a very busy junction where you have two lanes going straight on and two lanes for turning right,
Our driver was turning right and was on the outside lane , the lights changed and of he went then the next minute there was a bang and this car had tried to turn right but coming from the left hand lane which is for vehicles going straight on,
Well there was a right dent in the back door of this car but thank god no body was hurt,
In the car there was a lady driver her mum in the passenger seat and two kids in the back of the car in car seats,
Lots of swear words was said from this lady to our driver and the next minute another car pulled up and this bloke came out ranting and raving at our driver,
Our driver called the police and within minutes they was there,
In the mean time our driver made sure everyone was ok well sort , he was taking pictures of the car and the road as he was in the right lane and this driver was not,
On the pictures was this drivers mum sitting in the front seat giving the finger to our driver and you could see her evil face making other signs, what a great family ,
The police told the female driver totally her fault as the arrows on the road state which lane you should be in, her answer to them i always do this ,
The the women had the neck to call next day saying our driver drove into her and she wanted the car fixing ,
Scum springs to mind , what chances do the children have with family members like this