Well you would not believe what happened this morning,
Taking Ems to work just around 6,30am and going around the ring road in the right lane too, this car came up so fast i thought he was going to hit me,
He was that close and as soon as he could he past me over the chevrons then went as fast as he could,
Well we came around the corner to traffic lights but he was going that quick he must have managed to get through before they changed to red, BUT NO HE DID NOT,
They must have been on red when he got there, he took the left filter turn and then went through the green on the crossroads,WELL WOULD YOU BELIEVE THAT,
Anyway the lights changed and of we went to the next set and yes you have guessed it waiting there was this idiot , no boy racer at the wheel but some thick middle age t---t,
Where are the police or cameras to get idiots like these of the roads