Letters sent from DWP 10th January arrived at my house today11/03/16
Problem is one letter was a Life Form that is supposed to be sent back within eight weeks. Have to get form signed by lawyer, doctor, dentist blah blah blah. So you try and find a lawyer here on a Friday afternoon
Ok go to doctor, doctor is out
Ok go to dentist, dentist does not have a rubber stamp to stamp the form, dentist says ok go to my sister at the hostpital, so off we go. Great she has a rubber stamp, So off to the post office. Airmail this to the UK please yes sir that will take four weeks
. So have to send special delivery Philpost 1,600 pesos
So now I wait until 4pm to call DWP to see if I will get any money this Friday, Im in deep crap if that does not arrive. Dammit I need a drink.