I can't help sometimes thinking people read "Fun Papers" too much, To quote a good friend "I'm too busy to have my own opinions, I let The Sun make them for me"

No **** it costs a lot to house a family on benefits, a government sold off all 'our' houses to people who had no chance of paying the mortgage, then had to re-house them, and guess what? couldn't stop them repeating the same process again and again, now the housing stock is owned by people who don't give two figs for the tenants and can charge the government/tax payers almost whatever they want! (been there done that..) if we get the odd nutter then, better that than 'good people' dying because we have shut our doors like kids pretending we're not home.

Average wage is massively skewed by the top 5% earners, real avg wage is more like 16K than 24K. btw the minum wage for most workers in phils is £3 a day... including dentists. To get a like for like try multiplying prices by 7 or 8 to see what things really cost.

Knowing a few people who have been hit by cars/mugged or suffered strokes and can't afford private treatment means I appreciate the NHS, far too many people can't afford insurance... Yes mistakes happen, I know, i've made a few at work, who hasn't ?

Houses cost too much? that's ok just build some more...oh, no we can't, people moan "too many here already" really thinking "my house might be worth less if they build more" not that people really get to make real money on the house they live in unless escaping to sunnier places, downgrading or of course a loved one dies.

How many times have you been held up on public transport in the UK? once? maybe if you're unlucky. In Manila it's normal, I'll hear of a friend getting held up once a year at least. oh and yes hospital isn't great there... '1st' world countries keep nicking all the well trained nurses and doctors...

Yes we pay tax, and yes i know because I pay a truck load of tax(have a ltd too), Yes people come to our country hoping for a better life, but they pay far more in taxes than receive in benefits, just be thankful we didn't have to pay to educate them. (btw birth rate is just 1.8 in the uk not 2.4 i need someone to pay for my old age too)

Sorry started to rant 'a little', oh and yes i do check on my older neighbours if i haven't seen them for some time, I've lived in a fair few places, from "top class" to "could do better" right now, think burnt out cars, but well moaning seems a national sport, shame it's not an Olympic event, "the downhill whinge" might win for once.

Oh and yes i would like to live in the phils it's a great place, but i know which side my bread is buttered.

What's was that song?..."lets all look on the bright side of life"
