Hi Fred,

i have traveled quite a lot with my previous employer (Drop Inn @ bottom of my posts) and been to places like West Africa, Belarus, Ukraine, Albania & of course the Philippines and i learn that no matter how much people complain about the Uk, compared to these places it is luxury. The African people (Especially the children) were running about with hardly any clothes on or had little food but they were very happy in their circumstances. In Albania they were very poor but the main difference between the 2 countries was that Albania had more excess to tv and they were able to see what they were missing out on and so became more discontent. Were the African people i met never knew anything else. I have visited some hospitals that were too awful to even write about. Many countries i have visited are in the trouble they are in because of corrupt leaders.

I do like living here in N.Ireland although i am not completely happy with the way it is run but i am glad i have access to a good dentist, hospital etc. But in the next maybe 3-5 years i will be selling up and going back with my wife to the Philippines as i have fallen in love with the place and the people i have had the pleasure in meeting...
