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Thread: Motorway gantries

  1. #1
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Motorway gantries

    Going up the M1 motorway the other day and just enjoying the moment i had been on it for a good few miles and nothing much was happening on both sides, but i did notice one thing,
    The south bound side traffic had a speed limit set to 50mph , know idea why as i had not past any incident at all, but as usual the traffic was going faster then that speed, but did these drivers realize that the speed cameras on these overhead gantries was flashing like a good un, you could see them flashing loads as the cars and lorries was going past,
    This got me wondering , is this a new way of collecting money , i understand that if there was a incident and the need to bring the speed down , but as i said i did not past anything for miles , yes things can happen very quick at speeds , but i wonder , all that extra easy cash they could get from you,
    Just be careful out there if it says 50 try to keep to it but be wary of everyone trying to pass you

  2. #2
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Never break a speed limit

  3. #3
    Respected Member Longweekend's Avatar
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    They have had these on the M42 for a number of years and also now on the M62, maybe a way of collecting money but only if you break the speed limit........

  4. #4
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    I drive this route a lot. Yep, lots of new cameras along the M1 and M25. They lower the limit past Luton to 60mph for most of the day even when it is quiet. The long 50mph roadworks with average speed cameras between J16 and J19 catch a lot of people, especially the 1 mile of M1 50mph average speed past the M6/J19 construction. Same goes for the 1 mile or so past J21/Leicester services. Cruise control was made for today's motorways.

    If I fancy a 'blast' in the evening, or I am driving during rush-hour I use the M40/A43/A5 (but, ahem I did get caught by an unmarked car on the A5 ... oops).

  5. #5
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    That's the problem unmarked cars, plus we all have broke the speed limit once or twice in our life times

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