This government in particular has no intention of trying to save anything that does not directly effect their own personal or their paymasters wealth. In this country we now we have unbridled conservatism at its most vicious and they have no interest in an Indian owned steel company as most of the people working there probably do not vote for them.

All that you will hear from Mr Cameron and his banker sidekick Sajid Javid is that they have been in negotiation with Tata who have graciously agreed to keep the plants open until a buyer can be found. In reality though it is just a behind the scenes deal with Tata to hold off shutting the plants down until after the EU referendum for obvious reasons. But that will not stop them spinning it off as the action of a caring government

Some of the plants like Shotton and Rotherham will be sold as they make specialised products. But Port Talbot just makes regular grade steel for cars and fridges and is of little interest to anybody.

People will say why should we prop up an industry that is losing money? but that did not stop them from continuing to prop up the banks with taxpayers money, low interest bonds and endless quantitative easing, when at the time most banks were technically BANKRUPT. ......Read my first sentence for the explanation why?

The French and Germans must be killing themselves laughing at us as they remember how they sent our "I am going to get a treaty change" prime-minister home with scraps. And now his steel industry goes down the toilet.........Angela to Francois shall we buy it?.....Francois to Angela...Oui pour un euro

I personally an embarrassed to be British at this moment in time.

By the way Tata also own Jaguar Land Rover and when the big cats stop selling then that will be next as they have already built a shiny new plant in China.