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So, like Michael, you have never been pigeon holed by having 'hey Joe' shouted at you?? or Mr Bean? ok not harsh, but if I was lilly livered and limp wristed I might have cried, specially when they stare are me. I have also had insults hurled at both me and my wife because I was a foreigner, with comments about the status of my foreskin!!
As for the woman being called 'fat and ugly' I imagine that is quite subjective. For her I think it comes from the way you conduct yourself and your attitude. Maybe she deserved the calling. The 'N' word is, from my experience used a lot in the Philippines depending on skin colour, BUT it in my experience not used as a derogatory term. Many people in the rural areas would have no idea of the global 'PC' brigade and how everyone is so offended by the N word.