
My girlfriend has just visited an attourney (Attourney Ramos if anyone knows him?) in Davao with regards to annulment. He said the process can take 2-3 years and, even then, there is no guarantee that it will be granted. He had a client that waited 2 years, and was refused. He also had a client that waited 30 months, and was accepted. His fee is 80k pesos. He mentioned other things too, like the psychiatric report.

He said, or advised, that the process is quicker if she does it in Cotaboto. Maybe because of fewer applications. I don't know. But he said, it is all legal, and will take a few months only.

This whole thing is scary now. It will cost a lot to seek annulment. I am happy to pay it, but scared to be scammed. It feels as though he is telling us - better do it quickly and get it guaranteed than to do it the long way and get nothing. But we all read so many horror stories with regards to this. I want her to be annulled, so then we can plan the next step. I want to start the process before going to Davao to see her.

Has anyone had similar experiences?

