Whether you opt for same day premium or regular postal just be sure that the subsequent 30 months can be achieved or you'll end up needing to apply another FLR
That doesn't mean adding an additional 30 months as ILR can be applied for just as soon as the 5 year residence has been met. It does mean a hefty extra fee though for the extra FLR
Thank you Terpe. I think we shall apply 3 weeks before the 30 months and ask the Premium service guys to make sure its dated for 16th.
"Nothing ventured, nothing gained"
"It is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all" Lord Tenneson.
Hi Terpe yes I know its same day service, but the guidance notes say you can apply up to 28 days before the 30 months are up. My concern simply was will date the FLR that same day or ask if it needs to be dated for 30 months date ( 16th August )
many thanks
"Nothing ventured, nothing gained"
"It is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all" Lord Tenneson.