Hopefully you will get well soon, Arthur, as for all other members and their loved ones who may be suffering with a cough.
There’s little evidence " over-the-counter " cough " medicines " actually work. Resting where possible, drinking plenty water, and paracetamol to relieve symptoms such as fever, are often all that’s necessary.
A cough is simply a reflex action to clear the airways of irritants such as dust or smoke. Mucus / phlegm is the result of inflamed air passages ( bronchi ) reacting to the irritation or infection. Infection is usually caused by one of the 200 or so types of cold virus - which may either remain in the upper air passages as a " head cold ", or spread further down the air passages to the large airways / bronchi or " chest cold ".
Problems arise if " bugs " / bacteria take advantage of the inflammation to cause infection - more likely in people whose defence mechanisms are reduced by underlying health issues. These may be in the lungs - chronic ( long standing ) bronchitis ; or if other long term health conditions are present. Young and old people are more at risk of acute infective bronchitis.
Coughs are extremely common, not just in the UK. Unless they persist for several weeks, and the mucus / phlegm is thick, green/brown/blood stained, with other symptoms such as fever, wheezing, chest pain, weight loss, then in the majority they will improve without needing a doctor.
As for antibiotics, while we know they have revolutionised medicine, widespread use in medicine and agriculture has encouraged resistant strains. With few new antibiotics being developed, there is a real threat to public health. There is now an attempt to reduce antibiotic prescribing in UK general practices if rates are higher than average. Antibiotics should not be bought without a doctor’s prescription - whether in UK or Philippines - they may be fake, and even if genuine, unnecessary.
One member recently asked if I was " fun " at a party !! I’m lucky to have attended several parties celebrating my 70th birthday. But retired doctors also fall ill, and I have only recently recovered from acute bronchitis - self-diagnosed and without antibiotics. Indeed we ALL need to look after our health, regardless of age.