The 'remain' voters this morning
The 'remain' voters this morning
I sincerely hope the outcome doesn't prove regrettable to the British people!
The majority has spoken Michael, now its all about getting all together and working together, that is what will make us or break us,
The stock market the interest rates, the world economy does not revolve around this , its revolves around everything,
Time will tell,
The turnout was 72% i wonder what the outcome would have been if the turnout was 100%,
It amazes me something so big and concerns us all yet you still get people not voting ,i wonder if its well nothing will change so i wont bother ,
Can i ask all of you, DID YOU ALL VOTE ,
Everyone and there dog are saying we must work together now, well it would have been nice if you worked together instead of calling each other horrible names,and they all are saying Europe must change ,
But why did they not make it change without us having to do this , this has been on the cards for a good few years , but like anything nothing happens till something happens ,
There are going to be some heads chopped of in all parties i can see this happening
Glad I paid for my new wall last month...and left some cash with the Mrs.
Well soon it will be a whole day since we made the jump and we are still here,
Lots of knives in the backs of many and the so called famous people are so upset, and yet we are all still here,
The peso has gone down to where it was 3 years ago so thats not to bad, if someone can promise me it would stay at this rate for ever i would be a happy chappy.
The only problem i can see is that many many people will be joining me at Farmfods and Aldi for the weekly shop now, so i better plan to go shopping at a different time now,![]()
Only problem is going to be, that poison dwarf north of the border.
Mrs Kranky ?![]()
Emotions are high at the moment. This feels a little like a divorce, we were once in love but things turned sour, we then had years of argument. You kind of get used to the arguing but deep down you know its not good. Then you make the break and split. After the euphoria there's the come down. You feel alone and flat, have I done the right thing? Deep down you know you have. Confidence slowly builds and the new chapter in your life unfolds, new opportunities. A new beginning.....![]()
They're saying she's going to wait until she's certain to get the "Yes" win before she calls for one, and that it wont be for at least 2 years.
That could be interesting, as she wants Scotland to remain part of the EU, the rest of the EU are looking for their own "Brexit", theoretically in 2 years time the EU might not be there because other members have voted to leave....
France, Denmark, Sweden, Italy, Czechoslovakia, looks like these are looking to follow suit.
Before our "Separation time" under Article 50, there might not be anything left to separate from
I just feel relief... at having been able to help vote us out after waiting for 40 years to do so. I didn't need to listen to any propaganda or sales talk.
I bet this is how many of us men once thought about our own life, but look at many of us now, much more better in life a loving partner who would do anything for you and you would do anything for them,
Yes in time everything works out fine but you have to keep working together to make these things happen
Whats happened over the last few days , did we have a vote of some kind to leave Europe, and did the vote out win this,
Or was it all a dream, or some sort of joke, or a nightmare for some,
Dunno. My ex just ****** off... no votes involved.![]()
I also like her ... and her Aunty, Angela Merkel.
I thought she was really good as Mrs Nesbitt in that Scottish comedy programme too.![]()
Well Its great when things get back to normal or even better then normal sometimes too,
It seems the FTSE has closed above the pre britex level,
You see things go up and they go down, its taken a few days to get and it will continue to grow, sterling is on the up too, it seems like nothing has happened and many of us are getting what we think we are wanting too, here is for good time ahead![]()
If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up
A question was asked in the House of Commons yesterday, as to weather pensioners living abroad are going to continue to receive their full pensions. Camerons answer was basically, we will let you know when we know. So its screw the pensioner time again.![]()
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