Last edited by Arthur Little; 23rd June 2016 at 19:38.
So ...... Heath's pressing ahead with signing
's agreement to join the [then] EEC back in 1975 was, effectively, tantamount to an act of treason!
Hopefully these next few weeks will be better for all, the silly comments that has gone before us will be better said with facts too,
But 330,000 people coming here rather then tens of thousands , well that's very very worrying and do you think it could even be higher then that number
Notice the middle classes never talk about how they will vote and I bet most of them vote IN![]()
Phone and online survey shows a 52-48 split in favour of leaving the EU as referendum campaign gathers steam.
Wow, have i missed it, have i been asleep so long and its now the 24th June the day after the election, and we have WON,, .
We have won we are out of Europe yippy, , hang about its only the 31st may , whats happening ,
I have just read the news that the housing bubble is just about to burst, well i am sure someone mentioned that would happen if we pull out of Europe, silly me for listening to the silly people![]()
Whats happening to Greece , another £7 billion given last week in bailouts , yes i said £7 BILLION, and thats for more reforms
I wonder if they had a vote now what would they be voting for, i am still convinced that if we do vote out more will follow
EU president admits officials drawing up a 'utopia' of united Europe have 'failed to notice' it's not what 'ordinary people' want.
Donald Tusk said 'obsession' with total integration left Europeans cold
Tusk said 'ordinary people' do not share the goal of a fully integrated EU
Confession came hours before cabinet minister warned of expanding EU
Chris Grayling said the EU treaties were vague and widely interpreted
Read more:
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Well its getting a right proper debate now i am thinking and we are getting proper news about staying and leaving, yes still some lies but its down to each of us to see though them,
There is a nice spread on MSN about economic consensus on Britex is flawed ,
Its going to be close but i do hope we are out of Europe
Alas no, Steve ...... wherever she's been, she is back with a vengeance - threatening all sorts of dire consequences in the event of the British public voting to leave the EU.
They are all worried Arthur, if we leave then others will follow,
There is another good read on MSN about booking holidays in Europe after we leave and what may or may not happen,
Like i have said its all very good reading , things may go up but not as much as the stay in party would like you to believe, at last we are getting more proper views from people who have no parties to promote
Right today's question.
What happens if we stay in, would it be nothing, what about these changers that Mr Cameron won some sort of 6 point thing he came back with, so what are these,.
You see if we do vote out things can change , but if we do stay in what if anything could change, i think nothing will change by staying in, you cannot change Europe but people are saying we can if we stop in, so can anyone help with these so called changers that will happen if we stay in ,
Saw this, John major has suddenly grown some balls and is telling it like it is. For this, I applaud him and his opinions.
If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up
If we stay in the EU very little will change, there are 29 Countries, and the Commisioners, if something is obviously right for the UK, and the others disagree then it wont change, If we stand alone OUT of the EU, then it CAN change.
Obviously most businesses gain by being in Europe, there Salary Costs are undeniably lower, its pretty obvious that they are going to benefit by staying, and having more Employees chasing the same jobs, if we leave then Employers will have to pay a more Attractive (rate for the job) Salary to attract an Employee.
Only today i was speaking with a Farmer (Which is a rarity for me) and he surprised me by saying he is in favour of Brexit, and he doesnt know anyone who prefers to stay in, His reasoning was that when we originally joined it was a different EU to what it is today, also he added we are the 5th biggest Trading nation in the World, he has lots of German Machinery, does anyone think Germany wont still want to Trade with us, me i still think everything is in the balance, Another reason speaking to a Dutchman he says Holland is watching with Interest as they have many of the same issues as us,but whatever happens nothing will convince me that we are better off in.
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