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Thread: Europe and Britex

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  1. #1
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    The latest polls have had a significant impact on the markets.
    Not least the currency Markets.

    Seems that over 50% of voters are wanting to leave

  2. #2
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    The big guns are getting onto the stage now to tell us not to leave the EU,
    But all these big guns have told lies before to the public, so can you blame many for not believing them,
    They all tell us the warnings about leaving but none of them will say what they would do to help change the EU to suit what we are wanting , so to me this says they cannot change or are willing not to change for the people,
    Cameron and his cronies should be done for asking us if we want to leave the frying pan into the fire if it is so bad out of the EU,
    Look back at many general elections and remember what all the parties have promised us and did it all turn out fine , and look at many of them all working together to tell you its bad to change ,
    Another problem i see is when you get some ageing pop star of some so called comedian telling us its better in, who the hell believes these people ,
    Again its down to what we alone think is right , lets hope its the right thing we all vote for

  3. #3
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Well is it just me or when i hear or read what the INS are saying the more i dig my heals in and say up yours ,
    Now it seems where have you been Corbyn has suddenly appeared , and yes he is saying if we vote out we shall lose the NHS,
    Come on really we have been losing the NHS for years ,
    Again utter bullshit from the party for the working man but it all depends on where the man is from it seems,
    Can someone yet tell me what is the benefit of staying in,

  4. #4
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    Well is it just me or when i hear or read what the INS are saying the more i dig my heals in and say up yours ,
    Now it seems where have you been Corbyn has suddenly appeared , and yes he is saying if we vote out we shall lose the NHS,
    Come on really we have been losing the NHS for years ,
    Again utter bullshit from the party for the working man but it all depends on where the man is from it seems,
    Can someone yet tell me what is the benefit of staying in,
    Does it really bother you that much if it's in or out, don't really bother me either way as long as it won't interfere with my lifestyle and I don't think it will for a moment

  5. #5
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Parnham View Post
    Does it really bother you that much if it's in or out, don't really bother me either way as long as it won't interfere with my lifestyle and I don't think it will for a moment
    Yes it does Michael, I have children and i have grandchild too, I am wanting a better future for them ,
    I am hoping that it will be a out vote but if its a in vote then i will just have to agree with that,
    But it is interesting what you are saying , as long as it does not interfere with your lifestyle well i am alright jack,
    It takes all sorts to make the world go round and working together helps, but as i have said what will our government do for us if the vote is to stay in, i want this government to work for me, i voted them in,
    Europe is not working together , it seems to be taking from the few to give to rest ,

  6. #6
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    I need to spread it around again Steve.. Rep on way once I do.

  7. #7
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    You have to laugh don't you, in fact this brexit had brought out the best quotes ever from so called clever people and silly people too , but what about this one,
    Donald Tusk has said, brexit could mean the end of Western civilisation,
    And you want to vote for people like him ,

  8. #8
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    ... earlier on in this thread, I made reference (#9) to the term "Brexit" reminding me of the makers of a child's car safety seat. Perhaps in a funny sort of way, my comparison with 'Britax' isn't so very far removed from the truth ... considering my committed belief that would be safer - and stronger - OUTSIDE the EU.

    It ( the word) is also similar to the name of the breakfast cereal, Weetabix ... which happens to be one of my favourites ... although, here, I'll resist the temptation to "make a meal" of it!

  9. #9
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Arthur if we do vote out, what about Scotland wanting the vote to go alone, how would you feel about that

  10. #10
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    Arthur, if we do vote out, what about Scotland wanting the vote to go alone, how would you feel about that?
    Mmm, Steve ... ... wee Nicola may want - BUT, will she get ...?

    Personally, I haven't ANY worries on that score!

  11. #11
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    Mmm, Steve ... ... wee Nicola may want - BUT, will she get ...?

    Personally, I haven't ANY worries on that score!
    You surely wouldn't fancy the idea of being stopped for your passport next time you reach Hadrian's Wall ... would you?

  12. #12
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Question time tonight was on early so i missed the first few minutes, but the rest was well worst watching ,
    Michael Gove was very good i thought, if anyone esle watch this what was your thoughts

  13. #13
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    Question time tonight was on early so I missed the first few minutes, but the rest was well worth watching.
    Michael Gove was very good I thought, if anyone else watched this what were your thoughts?
    ... just in case ANY of our members (like myself) missed the whole programme earlier :

    It is being repeated on BBC1 at 11.35 ... ok?

  14. #14
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Just a question here boys, plus it gets my post up higher too,
    Right this question about how much we put in and how much we get back , and we all must agree its a bloody lot we put in, ok SOMEONE may not agree on that,
    Right what about what we get from Europe, the other day someone was saying the farmers get this, the scientist gets that, there is so much coming to us in cash from Europe to help all these people so where is it all coming from,
    Is it all our own money that we have sent in, or is there other countries that are giving there money away to help us,because you dont hear from other countries moaning they are giving us hard earned cash .
    I do know that many of these things will not effect my lifestyle but i am concerned for the other people it may effect , so your help will gratefully received

  15. #15
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Latest news on Britex ,
    The FED in America has put interest rates on hold because of the uncertain of England leaving the EU ,
    Its amazing this tiny island can change the whole world in these next few weeks and years , but we cannot get what we are wanting for ourselves from someone who dont really cares for us , so why should we care for those,

  16. #16
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    The Americans (and all other interfering countries) are of course only concerned with their own pockets.

    Yes in the short term things may be a bit tight for us all in the UK, but if that's what it means to wrest back our independence... so be it, I say.

    Naturally it will be the poorer folk in this country who will suffer the most... the rich perhaps having to downgrade from GL to L model car(s).

    Maybe we can recreate a BRITISH car industry to supply them.

  17. #17
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    After a quick look at article 50 and article 218 it looks like the EU will give the UK a pretty rough time for at least 2 years as an example to other member states and our punishment for leaving..
    It really is no wonder that many economists predict some doom and gloom in the short to medium term if you look at the hoops the EU will present us with..
    Hopefully,during that time other EU member countries will follow Britain's lead and the domino effect will begin to destroy the evil empire before it has its evil way with our intention to become independent,free nations once again.

    “It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog.”

    Mark Twain

  18. #18
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    I think you're right Fred. Then again... 'backs to the wall' has tended to bring out the best in us.

  19. #19
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    I think you're right Fred. Then again... 'backs to the wall' has tended to bring out the best in us.
    Amen to that

  20. #20
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    I think you're right Fred. Then again... 'backs to the wall' has tended to bring out the best in us.
    I think that encapsulates my main point nicely. But then again,we are old school..

  21. #21
    Respected Member Longweekend's Avatar
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    I think we can take a bit of stick from the EU and come out stronger. Regarding what we put in and what we get back out, the UK and Germany are the only nations which receive less than they contribute, also we are told what to spend 'our money' on that we get back, it's not our decision. Bring it on next Thursday, by Friday hopefully we will be free and governing ourselves again....

  22. #22
    Respected Member jonnijon's Avatar
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    I think this one takes the The British army's new Ajax fighting vehicles are to be built in SPAIN using SWEDISH steel at the request of the EU to support jobs in SPAIN with EU grant rather than WALES.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonnijon View Post
    I think this one takes the The British army's new Ajax fighting vehicles are to be built in SPAIN using SWEDISH steel at the request of the EU to support jobs in SPAIN with EU grant rather than WALES.
    Indeed. Now to build back all the industries that WE created in the first place, and give productive jobs and self-esteem back to our own.

    Please buy British though folks... as I have done so whenever possible.

  24. #24
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    watch out boys, Clarkson and May are joining forces to vote in , I wonder with all these so called famous people like these and other so called rock stars, whats going to happen if we vote out,they will still get there big fat pay deals , i see its publicity there are after, bring out a book , a record or even a show after all this hype ,

  25. #25
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Well here we go again, the IMF are warning us if we vote out we will fall of the edge of the world,
    Is it just me or do others feel that when you get someone who is foreign and is telling us its wrong, then you get a English person talking to you in your own tongue saying they are wrong , well who do you believe,
    I do know there is more to it then this but most people are from the Continent saying we should stay in Europe only to help Europe, well we come first this time i say , so sod of,

  26. #26
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    The new European Army ,
    Well did anyone know about this before the britex campaign , i bet not many ,
    Well it looks like a ex army chief has decided to switch to leave because of this, and what has the government said , we shall never be part of the EU army , well i somehow believe this too, but i bet we shall be paying for it if we stay ,
    Another good reason to vote out ,

    By the way i am still waiting to hear from anyone want can we expect to happen if we vote stay in , what benefits and what changers could we expect to make our life much better, our will nothing effect our lives and we shall live like nothing has happened , it was all a bad dream

  27. #27
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    The new European Army,
    Well did anyone know about this before the britex campaign , i bet not many
    Yes ... I knew I'd somewhere, recently ...

    ... with Herr (or should I say Frau?) Merkel as its Commander-in-Chief, presumably!

    Here is a link to one article I've discovered:

    Feel free to "express" your views.

  28. #28
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    No need for it (except to fund more bureaucrats).

    We are already members of NATO... an organisation carrying much more clout.

  29. #29
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    The most important outcome of next week’s referendum - to me - is the effect on OUR health ... and health service .

    * Facts, as far as they are known, uncertainties, and opinions were outlined at the beginning of June on this thread, post 119.

    * Good health care should be based on EVIDENCE resulting from controlled trials - rather than non-expert opinions by doctors not trained in a given specialty, celebrity endorsements, YouTube clips, Google searches, or " anyway, my Mum says it’s true "!

    * MISINFORMATION on the EU has flown as frequently and viciously as the Scottish summer midge. Things may change in the next few days as one result of the tragic death of MP Jo Cox.

    * Dr Sarah Wollaston, MP for Totnes, has recently changed her mind on Britain leaving the EU. She’s now " convinced that the benefits of our membership far outweigh the problems ". A majority of " health experts " do appear to be on the " Remain " side.

    * Colleagues from our EU partners make up an essential 10% of the UK health care workforce. Dr Wollaston :- " these valued workers are far more likely to be caring for you than ahead of you in the queue".

    * In the event of Brexit and its effect on the wider economy, many economists think healthcare spending would be reduced ... when the NHS is already overstretched.

    * We need to spend MORE on health and social care - mostly because of an increasing older population ( not migrants, who tend to be younger ). This EITHER comes from increased proportion of GDP and strengthening economy, and / OR compulsory health insurance.

    * Our NHS relies on doctors and nurses from within and beyond the EU. Those already here would not be " sent home " ... or want to leave. We WOULD need to be sure more could work here in future, whatever the outcome of the referendum. Ultimately more healthcare workers should be UK trained.

    * Membership of the EU allows the UK to claim costs of treatment of EU visitors from their own countries. We also have free or cheaper healthcare in the EU through the European Health Insurance Card. 2 million UK citizens living in other EU countries would need continued healthcare in their country of residence.

    * Continued cooperation in RESEARCH would be needed across the EU ; as would STANDARDS for training doctors and other healthcare workers which are established in the EU. The EU Working Time Directive protects doctors from the dangers of overwork and patients from over-tired doctors.

    * There must be protections for public services including those in health, to deter NHS " asset stripping for profit " under the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership.

    * Possible problems arising from Brexit can’t be solved overnight, but they are NOT insurmountable, in my opinion. On Thursday I will vote to leave the EU .

  30. #30
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    What ever the outcome i dont see any change for years , but the NHS needs to change no matter what, and i see some sort of insurance policy being paid for , just like your car or house or even your dog ,
    I too will be voting out, thats if you did not now that already

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