Anyone else watching the bits of news about what would happen if we left Europe,
Well i am getting a little peed of with all these threats from all these so called multi national companies saying its in our best interest to stay,
It seems that the big Unions now are backing us to stay because they have got what they wanted from the government so in return they are going to tell there members that its better to stay in Europe , it will save the jobs and your mortgage will not rise too,
Are all these people right or is there a hidden agenda , like lining all there own pockets , as i said the other day on Question time a local chap, a financial adviser spoke up and said if we left we could pay of the national debt and other things with what we send to Europe, now was he wrong or right,
The more i hear people saying we should stay and if you dont you are silly and its going to cost you thousands in jobs and cash and it will not stop immigration too, it does make you think twice,
But then you wake up and see how Europe is , its trying to be one big supper power a bully , its not a common market its another country thats trying to take over the world , are we so entwined with these people now and we cannot break free i have no idea , but i still dont believe the people who are saying we must stay and some of them i have never heard of, all they seem to be doing is lining there own pockets and also lining up there new jobs/life in the European politics ,
I am confused but i am also still saying its a out for me too, unless someone can tell me the truth that is is better staying in with people i have no idea who they are or i have even voted for,