I booked my Philippines flight with Travel Agents Fly Sharp, and was travelling with Saudi Airlines for £435 return 1 change both ways in Riyadh, on my outward bound journey nothing special, just an ordinary Flight and 3 hour waitover for my Manila Flight, so yeah no problems, but the return where oh where do i begin.
Firstly my Flight from Davao to Manila with CebPac was delayed thats not a problem it cut down my waiting time in Manilawhen i get to Manila i go to the Saudi Check in desk put my bags on the scales and handover my paperwork, then i saw some whispering going on behind the desk, and Im wondering whats wrong am i late, did i forget something blah blah blah, then this official looking guy from the Airline comes over and says Mr Tromans we have a problem, we dont have enough time in Riyadh for your change over, we need 1 hour you only have 55 minutes
would you mind if we offer you an alternative flight via Hong Kong with Cathay Pacific
yeah im happy with that so long as i can make my Coach connection from Heathrow better airline, better airport
, yes Mr Tromans you will still arrive at Heathrow for your Coach connection. wow this is to good to be true they print out my Ticket then while i am awaiting a Terminal change Bus at Manila i read my Ticket and Im due to arrive at Heathrow different Terminal to my Coach departure
I tell the guy assisting me, this is no good its arriving at Heathrow but the wrong Terminal, frantic phone calls we can offer you Korean Air to Heathrow arriving 5-15, okay just get me to Heathrow my Coach is 9-20am so Korean air is fine by me, come with me sir, we need to get the new tickets, while we are in the lift this guy informs me that its an 8 hour wait in Korea, and we would arrive in the UK at 5-15 PM not AM.. no no no, thats no good whatsoever, back to the Office checking various Flights in the end we settle for Cathay to Heathrow via Hong Kong but the wrong Terminal, i said you get me to Heathrow, let me worry about my Coach travel. Tickets printed and escorted to the Terminal Bus Transfer with my precious tickets in my hand.
By the time we arrived at the other Terminal in Manila, it was to late to catch the intended Airplane so we had to wait for the next available Cathay Pacific Flight to Hong Kong, when we finally arrived in Hong Kong there were several notices saying passengers for Oslo this way, Passengers for Canada this way, and Passengers for Heathrow this way there were 4 of us bound for Heathrow, we were quickly escorted through Hong Kong Airport and our Cathay Pacific Rep said ignore the other Girls just follow me (she was Fit) and i was only to happy to do that, we eventually get to the Cathay Desk and she informs us that we are to late to make the last Cathay Flight out of Hong Kong that night its 11-55pm, what we are doing is putting you up in a nearby hotel, here are your Flight Tickets, supper vouchers, and breakfast vouchers, but you have to go through immigration as the Hotel is outside the Airport. When we get to immigration there is a massive que and we are not being fast Tracked, it took us maybe 1 hour to get through there, remember we had still not eaten, Yeah we were in a really lovely Hotel but time was getting on, we managed to get some food at Mcdonalds which was still open, but by the time we got to our Hotel rooms it was past 2-00am, we have to be up at 6-00am to Freshen up, have our Breakfast and check out of the Hotel and in for our Flights.. lols. so yeah all sounds great but not very practical to get a decent sleep.
Finally i/we managed to get through the various requirements and boarded our Cathay Flight for Heathrow, nice Airline is Cathay i think this wont be the last time that i use them. I arrived at Heathrow around 5-00pm and followed the signs for Central Coach Station where I booked another Ticket for Bournemouth Coach station, this time i had a bit of good luck, the Ticketing Clerk said the 5-00pm Coach is running about 20 minutes late you can catch that onerather than wait for the something past seven Coach, i finally arrived at Bournemouth Coach station at around 8-00pm tired and exhausted after my 44 Hour journey from Davao to Heathrow,..