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Thread: Off to the Phils in 2 months (I have questions)

  1. #1
    Respected Member \\\\ToNy////'s Avatar
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    Smile Off to the Phils in 2 months (I have questions)

    This will be my third time there. The first time I was there I got fever a week before I left and was off work for one week when I returned.

    The second time I was there I got fever and was nearly vomiting in the first week. Second week I was ok. Third week, fever and again nearly vomiting.

    Could this be because of the heat? Or because I brushed my teeth with tap water? Or because I need to drink as much bottled water as I can?

    Or is it because I didn't get any jabs?

    I've got an appointment with the nurse at my doctor's surgery. What free jabs should I ask for?

    The place I'm going to is Cabanatuan in the North Philippines. It is in the countryside.

  2. #2
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    Drinking or eating contaminated water or foods generally causes diarrhoeal conditions which may or may not include fever and vomiting.
    Since you didn't mention diarrhoea at all, you might have suffered heatstroke.
    It's really important to make sure you don't get overheated and dehydrated.

    Heatstroke can easily result from exertion or over exposure in hot environments combined with inadequate fluid intake or even too much alcohol.

    Did you see a doctor at all when this happened before?

  3. #3
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    Maybe dengue fever, but brushing teeth with tap water won,t help. I was there 4 years and never put tap water near my mouth. Always used purified drinking water.

  4. #4
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    I do use the tap water to brush teeth.

    I do not drink tap water, I do not eat food that has been cooked in tap water.

    I'm careful what I eat when out - like drinks with ice and any restaurant food I think may have used tap water for cooking, for example, rice.

    Drink plenty of bottled water. I keep away from street bottles which have been refilled with supposedly filtered water. Don't just trust that any food eating places or restaurants have used bottled water - even if they say it is bottled.

    Injections: If not had, you'd be wise to have a typhoid injection. If you're going to be out in the country, then take 'Malarone' tablets. They are expensive but there's less chance of side effects. But before buying, check with doctor or pharmacy advice on what brand is safe for your personal health record,

    Restaurants, hotels etc. The plates and eating utensils are often wet with water particles which will be from the tap. Wipe dry before use.

    Hope your experience is a better one this time!

  5. #5
    Respected Member Slip's Avatar
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    I was ill when I returned last year.

    Didn't go down well at work, was off for 6 weeks in Philippines. Back to work for one day then off sick for one week

  6. #6
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    Hygiene is very low in most places where you eat, I've seen some of the kitchens here, just be aware and careful.

    Most doctor surgeries - where there are nurses - can give free advice on the injections you will need, or even the chemist/ pharmacy,

    Check out this link for useful information:

  7. #7
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    My last trip, I was poorly for a good few days. I think it was some water or ice that got me. I felt great all the time, but my was sore

  8. #8
    Respected Member \\\\ToNy////'s Avatar
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    Thanks for that guys. I've made a note of all that and I'll steer clear of any drinks that have ice etc in them. I'll take my own bottled water if I go for a meal anywhere and drink canned pop or fruit juice for treats.

    Don't think I had diarrrhoea when I was there and didn't ask the doctor about it when I was back in the UK. I just thought it was a cold or flu. I did ask my doctor if I could have a test for malaria but the doctor said, "why are you asking me these things?" I said I was bitten a lot while I was sleeping. He's not my normal doctor and I do try to avoid him if my doctor isn't available.

    The first time I came back from the Phils I kept getting colds every month and it was taking 3 weeks at a time to get rid of them. Drove me bananas!

  9. #9
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    Probably dengue fever due to your being bitten. Use mosquito spray next time or cover yourself in Vicks.

  10. #10
    Trusted Member jake's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ako Si Jamie View Post
    Probably dengue fever due to you being bitten. Use mosquito spray next time or cover yourself in Vicks.
    Could be canned pop or fruit juice?

  11. #11
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    It could be the air conditioning. I was ill on my first trip over but it was flu-like symptoms and no sickness or trips to the bathroom.

  12. #12
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    Maybe you were lovesick!

  13. #13
    Respected Member \\\\ToNy////'s Avatar
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    Had 3 injections today for typhoid, tetanus, polio, diphtheria, and hepatitis A + B and need to get these from the chemist.. Chloroquine? or Proguanil? Hard to read the nurse's writing. Malaria tablets.

    Question: So is it not good to eat shomai from the mall? I like them, but they are probably steamed with tap water

  14. #14
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by \\\\ToNy//// View Post
    Had 3 injections today for typhoid, tetanus, polio, diphtheria, and hepatitis A + B and need to get these from the chemist.. Chloroquine? or Proguanil? Hard to read the nurse's writing. Malaria tablets.

    Question: So is it not good to eat shomai from the mall? I like them, but they are probably steamed with tap water
    Yup, they're the cheap one's and come together in the same packet.

    Personally I don't think it's something you've eaten or drunk seeing you didn't suffer the craps.

  15. #15
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    When we first came here this trip the kids had fevers,colds etc etc..I even had to take them to the hospital to get them checked out for Dengue et all..
    I put it down to the vast climate change..For some people it takes time to adjust.
    No way did you have Dengue or Malaria IMO.. (Malaria is pretty rare here)
    Take mossy spray with you (containing DEET) and use it before dusk EVERY evening.
    Supermarket spring water is good if you are only there for a week or two..
    We have a trusted water purified outlet that we use and buy 50 Gallons at a time for home consumption.

  16. #16
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    I agree 100% with Fred.
    I still think heat stroke.

    Think carefully about taking those malaria tablets as many folks suffer some side effects.
    Personally I very much doubt you'll need them. As always it's a personal choice.
    You definitely didn't have malaria on previous visits IMO

  17. #17
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    I agree 100% with Fred.
    I still think heat stroke.

    Think carefully about taking those malaria tablets as many folks suffer some side effects.
    Personally I very much doubt you'll need them. As always it's a personal choice.
    You definitely didn't have malaria on previous visits IMO

  18. #18
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Keep out of the sun (share a brolly with your lady) drink only bottled water from the supermarket (and plenty of it) the injections you've had are fine, just remember to look around you and you can see how filthy places are. I've visited many Filipino houses over the years and it won't bother them if they see a rat in the house they just chase it out and think nothing of it and there are babies and children living in these places. Beautiful country but lots of shocks around the corner!

  19. #19
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    I agree 100% with Fred.
    I still think heat stroke.

    Think carefully about taking those malaria tablets as many folks suffer some side effects.
    Personally I very much doubt you'll need them. As always it's a personal choice.
    You definitely didn't have malaria on previous visits IMO
    Talking about Malaria, this trip was the first time I never had a single mozzy bite

  20. #20
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Tony, you know I only live a stone's throw away from Elizabeth's house. No way also was it dengue or malaria. As has been said heatstroke was the reason. I remember when we met you looked like a freshly cooked lobster. You need to take more care to stay out of the sun at all costs and wear long shirts and light weight trousers.

    I will not drink from unknown sources but drink our well water and I take ice from most places. You just need to think first. Get a bit street wise. I am sure Liz's family are not out to kill you, so forget all the worry and enjoy your time. Just take Imodium for the first few days if you get the squirts with the change of environment. Don't forget to come over to ours this time. I should be here still.
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  21. #21
    Respected Member \\\\ToNy////'s Avatar
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    Thanks everyone. Yes, probably heat stroke - was getting to 40c in the house - so I tried to stay in my room with the aircon on.

    Yes Steve, I was feeling unwell before I went pink, lol. We all went to the beach even though I wasn't feeling well. I didn't want to miss out! The wife wouldn't let me keep my t-shirt on in the sea and ignored me when I was calling her for sun cream. Oh the joys of married life! Hehe.

    We will come and visit you Steve; how many miles is it to your place there?

    At the moment, my immune system seems to be a bit weak. I had a cold on Xmas Eve and was starting to get rid of it a month later, when I caught another one within a week of the wife.

    I've been trying to get to the gym since Xmas to try and make my immune system stronger and sort my back and neck pains. Three times I've even assembled my mountain bike to go out then, before I get it out the door, it's raining!

    Oh ... and is it normal that my one arm is still painful and aching from the injections nearly 2 weeks on?

  22. #22
    Respected Member \\\\ToNy////'s Avatar
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    Arrived in the Phils last week. They had already got me some (bestline) water in a big blue container. It smelled and tasted like sewage but I was dehydrated from the flight. Soon after, I had stomach cramps and diarrhoea. So the wife got me 6 ltr of absolute and now 6 ltr summit, about 68 peso each. In 1 week I've drank about 25-30 litres of water and juices etc. Is this enough?

    I brush my teeth and wash my face with bottled water, and if I have coffee etc, it's bottled water. But when eating rice it's wth tap water, and when we visit relatives houses they dunk 5 kg of rice on my plate lol, pretty sure it's steamed with tap water. Was worried about this, but no diarrhoea. Have had a sore throat and feeling like I have a cold, but I'm sure I got this off the wife even though she said she had no cold. But I could smell this dodgy smell on her breath for one day, and I said to her, "I'll have a cold in 2 or 3 days", and like magic, I have a cold lol.

    Anyway having a great time and worried about this storm we are about to have

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by \\\\ToNy//// View Post
    Arrived in the Phils last week. They had already got me some (bestline) water in a big blue container. It smelled and tasted like sewage but I was dehydrated from the flight. Soon after, I had stomach cramps and diarrhoea. So the wife got me 6 ltr of absolute and now 6 ltr summit, about 68 peso each. In 1 week I've drank about 25-30 litres of water and juices etc. Is this enough?

    I brush my teeth and wash my face with bottled water, and if I have coffee etc, it's bottled water. But when eating rice it's wth tap water, and when we visit relatives houses they dunk 5 kg of rice on my plate lol, pretty sure it's steamed with tap water. Was worried about this, but no diarrhoea. Have had a sore throat and feeling like I have a cold, but I'm sure I got this off the wife even though she said she had no cold. But I could smell this dodgy smell on her breath for one day, and I said to her, "I'll have a cold in 2 or 3 days", and like magic, I have a cold, lol.

    Anyway, having a great time and worried about this storm we are about to have
    Brushing my teeth with tap water never hurt me over there

    Buy bottled water from a shop and avoid the local stuff delivered in massive blue containers

    Sorry, I don't trust them when it comes to water deliveries

    Use a good anti-bacterial hand-cleaner every time you get home from going out

    Be careful what you are eating and especially where it has come from.

    Don't just stick to drinking water, drink other liquids; also Coca Cola and juices are fine

    Personally I dont drink much water over there except boiled water for my tea

  24. #24
    Respected Member \\\\ToNy////'s Avatar
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    I know what you mean, anyone can fill them blue containers with tap water and put a seal on it, been getting my water from the mall supermarket and other drinks, I love the coconut mogu mogu drinks.

    I take my anti-bacterial hand gel everywhere

  25. #25
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Too much coconut juice will make you have the runs too Tony, so be careful about that. We do have 3 CR's in our house, but I don't want you blocking them all please
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  26. #26
    Respected Member SimonH's Avatar
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    Replace half of your water intake with SM and you'll feel much better

  27. #27
    Respected Member \\\\ToNy////'s Avatar
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    No worries Steve, only have one 320 ml bottle a day if I'm lucky lol. What's SM? Beer? ☺

  28. #28
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by London_Manila View Post
    Brushing my teeth with tap water never hurt me over there

    Buy bottled water from a shop and avoid the local stuff delivered in massive blue containers

    Sorry, I don't trust them when it comes to water deliveries

    Use a good anti-bacterial hand-cleaner every time you get home from going out

    Be careful what you are eating and especially where it has come from

    Don't just stick to drinking water, drink other liquids; also Coca Cola and juices are fine

    Personally I don't drink much water over there except boiled water for my tea
    Don't boil the tap water, no matter how many times you boil it, it makes no difference

  29. #29
    Respected Member SimonH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by \\\\ToNy//// View Post
    No worries Steve, only have one 320 ml bottle a day if I'm lucky lol. Whats SM? Beer? ☺
    San Miguel

  30. #30
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    Don't forget you are more likely to pick up colds and other bugs from the 300 people with whom you are sharing the recirculated air on your way over on the plane.

    If you are always hiding from every local bug in the Phils, you will never build up any immunity to them.

    I have been visiting the Phils and living there for extended periods in the city and province for the past 25 years, and only once had a bad case of the runs. That was on my very first trip.

    Boil water for 15 minutes if you're doubtful about its purity, and try to eat more home-cooked food.
    Above all, try not to become paranoid about such things. That will really spoil your stay...and be insulting to your hosts.

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