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Thread: My hobby

  1. #1
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    My hobby

    You dont get many cheap things these days and if your hobby cost you money well sometimes it can be a very expensive hobby then,
    Many know i do like to take the odd picture now and again and i do try to get the equipment to do this too, but also it can be very expensive , so i have to compromise,
    What is the point of spending hundreds even thousands on something that you wont use or you think its the best thing since sliced bread or even worst someone told you its the best and its not,
    Well last weekend i was looking for a cheap lens to do one thing only night pictures,
    So i dont want the fancy vibrations reductions and i dont want the fancy 2.8, i just want what i think i want, and there it was ,
    6 months warranty included in the price and because i know them and i buy from them and i ask advice from them they knocked off a FIVER from the price too, ( i think that was just to get rid of me ),
    What is it i brought you may be asking , well a Nikon 70-300 used lens, and the price i paid £45 ,
    Here is a picture i took with this lens and this is the subject i brought it for , forget your thousands and trying to keep up with the Jones, sometimes its best to go and try it yourself , cheaply

    Last edited by stevewool; 21st May 2016 at 12:20. Reason: spelling

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Now that is an unbelievably good price Steve !
    Just shows what can be found.

    Most hobbies tend to be quite expensive, but the pleasure and satisfaction they bring is priceless.

    Keep up the good work

  3. #3
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Can someone please draw the outline of the "Man in the moon" ...Looked and looked but I cant see the bugger.. Cheers,

  4. #4
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Can someone please draw the outline of the "Man in the moon" ...Looked and looked but I cant see the bugger.. Cheers,
    Gone one better Fred , here is Emma in the Moon

  5. #5
    Respected Member Longweekend's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Can someone please draw the outline of the "Man in the moon" ...Looked and looked but I cant see the bugger.. Cheers,
    Fred, he's on the other side...

  6. #6
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Well ... ... one of my hobbies during 17 years' of widowhood was to [try] and complete either the Sunday Telegraph or Times - or BOTH - *cryptic crosswords.

    Whenever I did so, I would then go to the local library on the Monday and take a photocopy for checking my answers against the following week's solution, before posting~off the original.

    But prior to tackling *those (depending, of course, on what the weather was like) I'd go out for a few hours' afternoon cycle run - covering anything up to maybe 20 or 30~odd miles [often more] to get plenty exercise and fresh air in order to clear the old brain cells.

  7. #7
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post

    But prior to tackling *those (depending, of course, on what the weather was like) I'd go out for a few hours' afternoon cycle run - covering anything up to maybe 20 or 30~odd miles [often more] to get plenty exercise and fresh air in order to clear the old brain cells.
    Now, though, with the ever-increasing speed and volume of traffic on the roads - not to mention my gradually~worsening hearing condition - my wife considers it'd be unsafe for me being out on my bike. Plus, ... being 71, I myself, ain't getting any younger.

  8. #8
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    No matter what age any one is Arthur, it is a dangerous place the roads,

  9. #9
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Longweekend View Post
    Fred, he's on the other side...
    Hopefully Steve can take another when it turns around..
    OK Steve?

  10. #10
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    I don't want to hijack your thread Steve, but maybe other people can share their hobbies too here.

    I have a lot of hobbies, well, used to. I used to be into motorbikes, but I don't have one here in the Uk now. But I have been a lifelong fisherman which I can do here and at our home in the Philippines. Recently I have been fly fishing with my Dad and caught some nice Trout. A few days ago I decided to try and tie a few flies. It is incredibly difficult and intricate so as a noob, I think I did quite well. Showing my little son Vincent what I was making, he said 'Daddy, can you make me one.... a red and black one' So I did. That led me to making one for Jasper, and as we call Wasps 'jaspers' it had to be yellow and black, then one for Lenii my daughter, which as a fly is a bit 'out there' but pretty like her.

    Vincent and JAsper fly

    Lenii fly

    a few others I made

    My other hobby is shooting. I have a Webley FX2000 PCP air rifle, and enjoy hunting at a local farm. Keeping the rabbit population down is our directive from the farmer and in the longer evenings it is good sport as well as effective vermin reduction. Recently, I have been watching Youtube and seen how these people video their hunts with cameras rigged up looking through the scope. So with time on my hands, I had knocked up a rig for my rifle. Yet to be tested in the field, I hope I can capture some nice footage. Anyway, it took some thinking about but I got if done.

    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  11. #11
    Respected Member Longweekend's Avatar
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    It's good to have some kind of hobby, our hobby is 4x4 vehicles and caravanning...

  12. #12
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Longweekend View Post
    It's good to have some kind of hobby, our hobby is 4x4 vehicles and caravanning...
    I would like a 4x4, maybe my next car in Phil's will be a Hilux so I can get to even more remote fishing spots without getting my Montero stuck lol
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  13. #13
    Respected Member Longweekend's Avatar
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    Unfortunately for us the 4x4's when we lived in PI were out of our budget, we had to put up with a 10 year old Ford but that's another story....

  14. #14
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    Well ... ... one of my hobbies during 17 years' of widowhood was to [try] and complete either the Sunday Telegraph or Times - or BOTH - *cryptic crosswords.

    Whenever I did so, I would then go to the local library on the Monday and take a photocopy for checking my answers against the following week's solution, before posting~off the original.

    But prior to tackling *those (depending, of course, on what the weather was like) I'd go out for a few hours' afternoon cycle run - covering anything up to maybe 20 or 30~odd miles [often more] to get plenty exercise and fresh air in order to clear the old brain cells.
    Never done a crossword Arthur, as a youngster tried once but couldn't understand the questions
    Last edited by Arthur Little; 22nd May 2016 at 14:13. Reason: 'Fixedsys' in original didn't show in Quote.

  15. #15
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    You dont get many cheap things these days and if your hobby cost you money well sometimes it can be a very expensive hobby then,
    Many know i do like to take the odd picture now and again and i do try to get the equipment to do this too, but also it can be very expensive , so i have to compromise,
    What is the point of spending hundreds even thousands on something that you wont use or you think its the best thing since sliced bread or even worst someone told you its the best and its not,
    Well last weekend i was looking for a cheap lens to do one thing only night pictures,
    So i dont want the fancy vibrations reductions and i dont want the fancy 2.8, i just want what i think i want, and there it was ,
    6 months warranty included in the price and because i know them and i buy from them and i ask advice from them they knocked off a FIVER from the price too, ( i think that was just to get rid of me ),
    What is it i brought you may be asking , well a Nikon 70-300 used lens, and the price i paid £45 ,
    Here is a picture i took with this lens and this is the subject i brought it for , forget your thousands and trying to keep up with the Jones, sometimes its best to go and try it yourself , cheaply

    That's nice

  16. #16
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    I bought a Canon 75/300 about a year or so ago, haven't took it out the box yet, will have to try using the camera soon

  17. #17
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
    I don't want to hijack your thread Steve, but maybe other people can share their hobbies too here.

    I have a lot of hobbies, well, used to. I used to be into motorbikes, but I don't have one here in the Uk now. But I have been a lifelong fisherman which I can do here and at our home in the Philippines. Recently I have been fly fishing with my Dad and caught some nice Trout. A few days ago I decided to try and tie a few flies. It is incredibly difficult and intricate so as a noob, I think I did quite well. Showing my little son Vincent what I was making, he said 'Daddy, can you make me one.... a red and black one' So I did. That led me to making one for Jasper, and as we call Wasps 'jaspers' it had to be yellow and black, then one for Lenii my daughter, which as a fly is a bit 'out there' but pretty like her.

    Vincent and JAsper fly

    Lenii fly

    a few others I made

    My other hobby is shooting. I have a Webley FX2000 PCP air rifle, and enjoy hunting at a local farm. Keeping the rabbit population down is our directive from the farmer and in the longer evenings it is good sport as well as effective vermin reduction. Recently, I have been watching Youtube and seen how these people video their hunts with cameras rigged up looking through the scope. So with time on my hands, I had knocked up a rig for my rifle. Yet to be tested in the field, I hope I can capture some nice footage. Anyway, it took some thinking about but I got if done.

    Must be great making the flies for fishing and whats even better is sharing this with your dad and now your own children too,
    Let us know about the video and your shooting Steve, so are you trying to use the video as your site, will the range be the same as the site range , if you know what i mean

  18. #18
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Steve, sure, it great to share my hobby with the family. Vincent is fish crazy like me and my Dad, so I am sure in the future he will be like me and Lolo.

    The he view through the camera on the scope should be the same. It focuses on 50 yards which is where I have my zero setting on the scope too. Using the camera as a sight now will be a different experience, and maybe something to fine tune, but the footage should be worth a watch. If you look on YouTube you will see hunting for rabbits with air rifles and I hope to show the same. Although if I post here, I will give a warning because I know many here don't like field / country sports
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

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