Mention the word Bruno ... and, being a *pipe smoker, my thoughts immediately turn to what, arguably, has long been known - even to the ever-growing legions of non~connoisseurs of this once~popular *habit - as 's most-famed brand of pipe tobacco.

OK ... ... in today's increasingly politically~correct times brought about by our "Nanny State" which, of course, relentlessly tries its hardest to diminish mankind's indulgence in such such simple pleasures, St Bruno's halo has slipped and "he" may, perforce, have had to abandon his "sainthood" ... but his name lives on in ANOTHER, IMPORTANT, guise - i.e., in a leading role in space exploration and the slim, yet possible, chance of there being some hitherto uncharted form(s) of life on the "Red Planet" - one of which our nation can feel justifiably proud, as those of you who take the opportunity to peruse the following article will discover: ...