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Thread: Worlds longest tunnel

  1. #1
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Worlds longest tunnel

    The worlds longest Rail tunnel opens today, 57 kilometres long 2.3 kilometres deep through the Swiss Alps at a cost of approx. 11 billion Euro's, 'wow' what an amazing feat of successful engineering, don't know who the contractors were that built it but would assume the Dutch would be involved in some way or another. Amazing stuff also nice to hear some good news

  2. #2
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Parnham View Post
    The worlds longest Rail tunnel opens today, 57 kilometres long 2.3 kilometres deep through the Swiss Alps at a cost of approx. 11 billion Euro's, 'wow' what an amazing feat of successful engineering, don't know who the contractors were that built it but would assume the Dutch would be involved in some way or another. Amazing stuff also nice to hear some good news
    ... WOW!'s really interesting, Michael - A TREMENDOUS achievement - .

  3. #3
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    We were in the area last month and drove through the Gottard Road tunnel. Pretty spooky and long (the mountain pass route was closed due to snow). What surprised me the most was the temperature outside the car reached 35c in the centre (it was 15c on the Swiss side outside, and 22c on the Italian 'sunny' side. No wonder some trucks catch fire in the summer months (or their cargo does).

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