Hi Everyone
So what do you all think about he new Tourist Visa regulations.
The Home Office are to introduce new rules regarding Tourist visas to the UK. So from an origanal period of 6 monthts they have now been reduced to a maxium of only three months.
The Tourist Visa was the only way my girlfriend could come here. Although she has been separated from her husband for nearly four years she has not started her annulment process yet (which will probably take two years and cost over £1000). So the Uk Tourist Visa was really the only way she could actually stay here. And now its been reduced to three months.
There ought to be some way, that a woman in her situation, i.e. not actually divorced but separated could come to the UK on a Spouse or Financee Visa. We have known each other for 16 months and i have visited her in Cebu and recently she has visited the UK on a Tourist Visa, she returned on December 5 - within the six months. We are very much in love and want to spend the rest of our lives together. Indeed if it had not been for the fact that she is not officially divorced we would have got married by now.
We had planned that maybe we would reapply next year (2008) and try and get her back again for another six months, but with the news that the they are now limiting any stay to only 3 months it hardly seems worth it.
So what we have decided is that I will go and live in the Philippines with my honey. My house is up for sale and as soon as it is sold i will have to leave my beloved England for a new life in Cebu.
It's a massive step for me to undertake. And is done purely because, even though we can prove we have a known each other, and that we have a bona fide relationship etc etc. there is simply no provision that I am aware of that will allow my girlfriend to stay here in the UK indefinitely.
I am sure there are many other english guys in my position. If anyone does know the answer about how a filipino woman can stay in the uk without her annullment being finalised i would love to hear from you. All we simply want to do is to be together. She is a lovely woman and would be an asset to this country. Why, oh why is this government so inflexible and will not recognise a legitimate and loving relationship. Everyone know how hard and long winded it is to get a marriage annulled in the philippines and yet this government has made no provision for people in our situation.
I would be really interested in any feedback that is forthcoming.
Best wishes, Geoff