I have to say i believe the Leave missed out here,by putting up the same 3 people that were on ITV last week, Boris yes as he always holds his own, I guess they didnt have Ian Duncan Smith as the TV programmers seem to want one from each political Party, I found that Gisela Stewart said mostly what she said last week, I think it would have been better having someone like Frank Field who is pretty good in these kind of debates, or the former advisor to David Cameron (Steve wotsisname) he also is a good debater. They also missed a point when asked if they could promise to bring down immigration (it went silent for a brief moment). Yes by all means bring in the Australian/Canadian points based system, but at the same time have an annual quota, bearing in mind its currently 330,000 annualy it could be year 1 250,000 year 2, 200,000 and year 3, it could be 150,000 thats more than halved the current figure over a 3 year period, and it gives us back control over immigration.