Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
Come Monday morning we shall start to see what happen, and by Friday we all should have some idea whether it was right to leave or stay, but we all should work together, no matter how difficult that may be
Steve i think the Country can pull together through all of this..

However can the Politicians do the same ? looking at whats happening i doubt it.. The anti Corbyn people have come out of hiding and cant wait, so it appears we may be heading for another Leadership fight within the Labour Party, and it seems Corbyn will stand in that Leadership battle, so the Labour Party have an internal Fight where the Party as a whole supports Corbyn, but the Political Party in Westminster does not.
This is a similar predicament to the rest of the House of Commons, whereby the majority of the house support remain in the EU, but the majority of the Country voted for Leaving the EU.
Then we come to the Tory Party and the fight for the Leadership, this is why May, Osborn seem to have vanished off the face of the earth, I have seen Boris has been seen playing Cricket (good on yer Boris) but some people have criticised him for doing this, at least he isnt planning in the background like the BB brigade seem to be doing, Osborn needs to step up to the plate because it seems the Financial Markets will take a Bigger hit tomorrow, due to all this uncertainty being created NOW by our own Politicians. Our Politicians now need to come together put aside there personal ambition, and stand Strong against what will happen tomorrow. Will it happen ? i dont think so as already Half of the Labour Shadow Cabinet have resigned today, they it seems have put Party before Country. Now i await with bated breath to see if the Tory Government especially Chancellor Osborn continue to hide behind the Skirts of The Bank of England, and Mark Carney its Governor.
I had faith in the UK if we pulled out of the EU, however i dont have the same Faith in OUR Politicians putting Country before ambition..