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Thread: Account Verification

  1. #1
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    Account Verification

    Hi All!

    I am applying for a tourist visa for UK and i understand need to show money with the immigration.I'd like to know if they will cross check my bank account and if i need to inform my bank to make a waiver for them to verify? Thanks.

  2. #2
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    UKVI may or May not take verification actions.
    It really depends on the supporting evidence you submit and most importantly the reasons for you to return home that outweigh any reasons UKVI believe will cause you to overstay

  3. #3
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    Ok Terpe, thanks so much for the response. I will submit documents on Monday and hopefully it goes well. Though im kinda nervous because i resigned from job few months ago, they might think will be a reason for me to over stay in UK. But i prefer to tell the truth instead to falsify documents.

  4. #4
    Respected Member ssbib's Avatar
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    I have recently gone through all this process with my girlfriend. we were lucky enough that I was able to send her enough money to keep in her bank account while the visa processed and then she changed it into UK pounds and brought it back to me when she arrived. If you are unable to do this I would recommend that your sponsor send in as much information as possible about their finances, including a letter from their job stating how much they earn and 3 months bank statements. Also, show evidence of where you will be staying whether that be booking confirmations for hotels or your sponsors house deeds or tenancy agreement (if they rent). You can't provide too much information with these applications. Bombard them with so much information they have no choice but to approve it. I kept a list of every piece of evidence I sent in for my girlfriends visit visa which I could send to you if you like? Her application was successful and she visited me in July for 2 weeks. The visa is still valid until the end of Novemeber and so she is back next week.

    Also, try not to worry. Over 90% of visit visas are now approved for Filipino's travelling to UK. I'm sure you will be fine.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by ssbib View Post
    .............. we were lucky enough that I was able to send her enough money to keep in her bank account while the visa processed and then she changed it into UK pounds and brought it back to me when she arrived.
    I would not shout too loudly about that as it almost certainly amounts to a criminal offence of deception.

    I prosecuted two bank mangers some years ago who enabled the transfer of funds to several accounts so that they could confirm that the account holders had sufficient money to be able to stand bail in a tax fraud brought by HM Inland Revenue. The funds were transferred back to the original accounts after the confirmation letters had been supplied by the managers.

    Both managers were convicted.
    Last edited by Arthur Little; 29th August 2016 at 18:09. Reason: Inserted a [bracketed] quote for reply to SSbib

  6. #6
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    There's really no need to send money at all.
    UKVI are only interested to have confirmation that the applicant will have access to sufficient funds from their own sources or either partially or totally from sponsors, friends or family.

    The key for a visit visa is showing that the reasons to return home outweigh the reasons to stay beyond visa expiry

  7. #7
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    I would not shout too loudly about that as it almost certainly amounts to a criminal offence of deception.
    ... oh dear, John , I very much doubt if the guy was trying to deceive anyone - since, as far as I can see - he'd simply been hoping to maximise his girlfriend's chances of a visa being granted!

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    ... oh dear, John , I very much doubt if the guy was trying to deceive anyone - since, as far as I can see - he'd simply been hoping to maximise his girlfriend's chances of a visa being granted!

    Arthur in a personal sense I have no interest in what ssbib did, I was positing to inform others that to do what he said he did, almost certainly amounts to a criminal offence in UK.

    He said they put the money in the account just to obtain the visa, then it was returned.

    That is, it was put there just to deceive anyone checking into believing the funds were the property of the account holder.

    In my opinion that would justify criminal charges.

    The bank managers I proesecuted were parties to just that practice and they were convicted.

    As I said, just a word to the wise.

  9. #9
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    On this occasion I'd have to agree with John.

    If UKVI had done any verifications then ................trouble for sure......maybe impacting future Visa Applications. It has happened so many times before.

    Immigration Rules part 9, grounds for refusal, Rule 320, 7B:-

    (7A) where false representations have been made or false documents or information have been submitted (whether or not material to the application, and whether or not to the applicant’s knowledge), or material facts have not been disclosed, in relation to the application or in order to obtain documents from the Secretary of State or a third party required in support of the application.

  10. #10
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    On this occasion I'd have to agree with John.

    If UKVI had done any verifications then ................trouble for sure......maybe impacting future Visa Applications. It has happened so many times before.

    Immigration Rules part 9, grounds for refusal, Rule 320, 7B:-
    Ok ... ... you and John are bound to have a better about that than I have - due to your respective [former] occupations.

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