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Thread: My Bathroom upgade efforts

  1. #1
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    My Bathroom upgade efforts

    Hi all,
    I live is what was called "Sheltered Housing" now re named "Independent Living"
    It is a nice ground floor flat that I am very happy to have and been her about 8 years or so.

    I have been trying to have a walk in shower instead of the over bath one I have, as I cannot get into and out the bath so easy but the only way the Housing Association will allow it is if the resident qualifies for a grant to convert meaning they get their flat upgraded at no cost to them.

    4 years ago I first tried and ended up with the over bath shower as the Occupational therapist who access clients said I could step into the bath ok.

    So last year I tried again, saw different Occupational therapist and was hopeful!

    They decided that it was not a shower I needed but a "super loo" one that washes your bum and dries it too.
    The cost of which is about £3,500 fitted, and a walk in shower about £4,000
    I asked if I could pay the £500 difference and have the shower, no they cant do that, but I can be re assed after a year and maybe get a walk in shower then, which would mean an almost double bill to end up with a shower.

    So they install the "super loo" which in our technical age needs a remote to operate it, all works well and might save a few pounds in loo roll over time!

    With this gleaming "super loo" installed, I decided to paint the bathroom.

    I was standing on my step ladder yesterday afternoon painting the wall and my knee gave out, I slipped and a full 1.1/2 litre tin of blue paint went everywhere!
    being emulsion I could scoop some up then keep washing everything but it took all afternoon.
    Last edited by mickcant; 8th July 2016 at 06:20. Reason: spelling

  2. #2
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    I bet the air was 'blue' too Mick.

    Good job you never hurt yourself.
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  3. #3
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    Sorry I'm laughing Mick. You thought of auditioning for Laurel and Hardy ?

    Anyway, it'll keep you out of trouble for a few days... cleaning up.

    Anytime you're up my way, you can borrow my walk-in shower (with handy fold-down seat), here in my OAP bungy.

  4. #4
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Sorry I'm laughing Mick. You thought of auditioning for Laurel and Hardy ?

    Anyway, it'll keep you out of trouble for a few days... cleaning up.

    Anytime you're up my way, you can borrow my walk-in shower (with handy fold-down seat), here in my OAP bungy.
    Thanks, that's just what I could do with

  5. #5
    Trusted Member
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    You paint an honest picture of " Independent Living ", Mick, well done and best wishes .

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