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Thread: From Davao City to Manila

  1. #1
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    Cool From Davao City to Manila

    We took our flight from Davao City to Manila on May 6 to begin yet another chapter in our Philippine adventure.

    On June 23, the day of the EU referendum, we said our goodbyes to the resident builders who had been doing the major works in the renovation of our house.
    There's still a lot of detail work yet to be done, but nothing that we cannot achieve between the both of us step by step.
    The house had been empty for quite a long time and we have structurally transformed the interior significantly reducing the bedrooms from 6 to 3 and adding a completely new dirty kitchen downstairs and a new laundry room on the 3rd floor

    We headed off to Marikina on Thursday for the first of our scheduled delivery of fridge and mattress. Friday was delivery of bed and dining table with chairs.
    We've started the huge task of a complete cleaning exercise now that all the building debris has finally been cleared. I've also make a good start unpacking all the shipping boxes and crates that we sent from Davao City and now we see nice progress in the process of making the house into our home.

    We've been lucky with our timing in that there's very little major expense left at the current low RoE
    However, as it stands now we'll need to delay the planned updating of our Cubao Condo until later. Maybe even next year.

    We've been living in our Condo in Cubao since May 6 and honestly enjoyed our life here. We'll be staying in Cubao regularly as it's only 15 minute journey away.
    What a contrast Cubao is to our life in the sleepy sub-division where we stayed in Davao City.
    Don't get me wrong. Life in Davao City was wonderful and given the opportunity we will make more visits to our beloved close family members are living in Mindanao.
    We may consider buying a small holiday home there sometime in the future.

    I foolishly envisaged a retirement life here in the Philippines doing all those long lost but still loved hobbies, relaxing on beaches, enjoying good food and plenty of cold beers.
    Mostly, we've been busy. Sometimes we've gotten stressed. But always found time to chill out with cold beers and good food.
    Hopefully we'll be able to settle down and enjoy the fruits of our labour in our own house before Christmas.

  2. #2
    Respected Member SimonH's Avatar
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    Good read, thanks for the update

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by SimonH View Post
    Good read, thanks for the update
    Thanks for the interest Simon, and thanks for the rep.

    Life here is so good for us here.
    Of course there are still things that can be annoying and frustrating but after our 20 or so months living here in the Philippines the impact and importance of those on a personal level has declined very significantly. Most times we can just laugh it off and make a few jokes about it.

    The mattress we bought has turned out to be the best we've experienced anywhere.
    Highly recommended.

  4. #4
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    As always lots of interest in your threads Peter from me, What you say about having no time to do the things that you thought you could do seems to ring true with everyone you hear from who have retired,
    I am looking forward to our adventure and as always a little scared too, but who wouldn't having never lived anywhere other then the UK,

  5. #5
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    I've said it before Steve, but it's important to say it again.

    Never underestimate the scale of such decisions.

    My circumstances were a little different. I had no family and no close friends in UK.
    When my dad passed away I was aged 61 with almost zero chance of employment.

    My wife and me had talked about it so many times.
    She was getting more and more stressed at work even though she enjoyed it mostly.

    We made the decision and followed a carefully designed plan.

    One of my promises to myself and my wife was that I'd give it 3 years come hell or high water. Means however much I thought about returning I'd not make any decision to return until I'd given my best shot for 3 full years at least.

  6. #6
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Its a very hard decision to make ,its our future we are trying to plan,
    We will get there one day i am sure, the first plan was to be here for 10 years , that would give Emma a small pension too, but after they have moved the goal post to 15 years well i know i cannot wait that long,
    So the 10 year plan is still in the running really,
    This November i shall be 58 and we have spoken about April next year, but when we get near to that date Emma comes up with well we agreed 10 years,
    I know deep down it will not be before next April but we are still under the 10 years still , so its either 58 and a half or 60,
    Your time is going by so quickly Peter, the 3 years will be up before you know it, and look at all the things you have done

  7. #7
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    I do wish I'd moved earlier.
    I might have made a bit of money

    For us, having property and renting out has worked out well so far.
    We've had a couple of errant tenants that caused my wife some stress and hair pulling, but she's a very strong feisty and smart lady and got rid of them and installed new ones.

    On one of our properties we only bought it to help some family with kids. Now the rent gas actually paid us back the investment.

  8. #8
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Emma had the idea of building two apartments at the back of the house in Marikina, these could generate a income, they would be two bedrooms each but they would have to share the drive from the main house,
    It would not cost to much to build and you could get the money back quite easy Emma says, BUT and there is a BUT.
    If we did that i could not live there with people coming and going making there own noise and so on, plus i dont want any stress about who is renting and who is not paying rent, plus where is the income going from these properties too, the family or in our pockets , and another thing is would these apartments be perfect for the nieces , nephews and even brothers with free rent,
    Yes could work out great but nothing is going to happen until we are there ,
    So far the cost of the house we have had built is very very good, and i am thinking another £5000 to finnish it for our rooms, still very cheap compared to here , but not to much where i could walk away from too,
    Still lots of plans and lots to think about ,

  9. #9
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    Excellent read Peter. I think 'keeping busy' is vital to staying invigorated and happy, wherever you are, and that's what you're doing.


    You've made some excellent points there, and I think you'd be very wise to bear them in mind.
    Could you really justify the extra stress ?

  10. #10
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Good read Peter
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  11. #11
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    Back in our Marikina City home now and enjoying my unlimited and steady internet connection.
    Been quite frustrating since May 6 but very happy to get back to the outside world.

    Now just have to think about how I'll watch a little TV without having to pay through the nose for 106 channels but only watch a couple

  12. #12
    Respected Member New Shoes's Avatar
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    Thanks for an update. I enjoyed the read and wish you all the best.

  13. #13
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    Nice update Peter!

    Did you get the bed delivered like these guys?

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ako Si Jamie View Post
    Nice update Peter!

    Did you get the bed delivered like these guys?

    Not quite.
    But we've bought quite a bit of stuff this week and taken it home via tricycle on the roof.

    Today I bought a ladder and thought I'd carry it home as it's only a 15 min walk.
    Then a tricycle driver I know suggested sticking it on the roof and I'd hold it whilst sitting on the back and the wife inside with the groceries.
    Worked out well.

    We bought a mattress and fridge from SM Cubao but couldn't for the life of us get a single delivery for both items. So we had to pay twice for two deliveries on the same day

    I've seen plenty of odd stuff on the top of a tricycle but not a bamboo bed.

    Only in the Philipines

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