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Thread: Is a car necessary

  1. #1
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Is a car necessary

    Is a car necessary in the Phils,
    Yes i can understand if you live in the middle of nowhere but what a bout a city, is it more for convenience would you say, but convenience will cost lots of money,
    There are a few members who have made the move now and some have cars some dont so how has it effected you,
    Again if money is no object things may be different, but you are on a budget so is this a luxury that you do not really need .

  2. #2
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    i think where you will be Steve, I personally would. BUT, you have good services to anywhere if you are willing as a foreigner to take the risk of trouble free jeepney rides.
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  3. #3
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    You can buy a brand new one of these: TOYOTA WIGO 1.0 E MT.....
    Ph 473k
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  4. #4
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    A car is not necessary wherever you are, you can get a ride easy through word of mouth and it's really cheap wherever you want to go, don't waste money on buying a vehicle it's a lot of hassle

  5. #5
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
    i think where you will be Steve, I personally would. BUT, you have good services to anywhere if you are willing as a foreigner to take the risk of trouble free jeepney rides.
    Gives me a bad back when getting in and out of a jeepney, i either scrape my back on the bloody rivets sticking down, or trample on everyone's feet, its fun but all the time i dont think so

  6. #6
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
    You can buy a brand new one of these: TOYOTA WIGO 1.0 E MT.....
    Ph 473k
    Your truck is nice Steve, that would be something to have, think of all the places you could go in that and not have to worry about times, thats a dream

  7. #7
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Parnham View Post
    A car is not necessary wherever you are, you can get a ride easy through word of mouth and it's really cheap wherever you want to go, don't waste money on buying a vehicle it's a lot of hassle
    We all waste our money on certain things Michael, its all about making the best choice for each of us, the places i would like to visit does mean having a trusty vehicle to get to these places, yes we could fly and use buses , but there is nothing better then going when you want and for how long too, that means a vehicle , whether its being rented of being owned , i am not there yet and i am not ready either to buy , so lots of talking on the pros and cons of what we may need

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    Is a car necessary in the Phils,
    Yes i can understand if you live in the middle of nowhere but what a bout a city, is it more for convenience would you say, but convenience will cost lots of money,
    There are a few members who have made the move now and some have cars some dont so how has it effected you,
    Again if money is no object things may be different, but you are on a budget so is this a luxury that you do not really need .
    I have my own view and say it depends where you live and what you want to do with a car.

    From a personal view when i lived in Davao City i certainly didn't one. So many choices of local city transport.
    If i wanted to travel around outside of city limits in the rural areas then a car would be so convenient. But we managed very well to travel where and when we wanted.

    Since moving to Manila we still use jeeps, taxi's and the UV express.
    We have a Montero parked up in the garage at the condo but only use it rarely. We use it when travelling out to San Jose City but generally that's about all.

    Everyone has their own reasons having their own transportation.
    Maybe i've been lucky, but I've never had the slightest hesitation using jeepney, taxi or UV express.

    More than half of the expats I know have plenty of stories that put me off using the Montero on a regular basis.
    Mostly I'll have my regular driver whenever I need to.

    Strangely I quite enjoy driving in the city, but it's not relaxing at all.

    Travelling between Cubau and Marikina we use UV express mostly at P20 each and sometimes a private taxi at P120
    Depends on how much stuff we have with us.

    For our day to day needs we don't need our own car. For trips going outside the city it's much more convenient to use our own car especially if we'll be away from home for a few days or more.

    Just like so many things here, you'll only know once you're here and how your life works.
    I haven't used our car since June 30

  9. #9
    Respected Member Slip's Avatar
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    If you lived where my wife lives I'd say yes. But then only because I am 6ft tall and they don't make comfy transport for people over 5ft in Philippines. And even if they did they would cram as many people into the said transport until you felt like a sardine in a can!

  10. #10
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Parnham View Post
    A car is not necessary wherever you are, you can get a ride easy through word of mouth and it's really cheap wherever you want to go, don't waste money on buying a vehicle it's a lot of hassle
    In the Phils I would agree as getting around is cheap and the weather is good. It does help a lot if you have a vehicle in the UK though for various reasons.

  11. #11
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Well, we live in the province and I have a Montero. It is a good all round car, big enough for all the family, comfortable and reliable. I have driven to an around Manila many times, met Steve and Emma. Drove down to Laguna to see Jake, been up to Baguio a few times and to the rice terraces at Banaue. As I go fishing a lot when home, it is great for all the fishing tackle. THe cost of running a car is minimal as gas is very cheap, so really for us it is a great asset.

    But we also have a motor each, a kolong kolong, and a tricycle so we have every angle covered. I wouldn't be without all the options. Maybe Michael's life in Phils is different to mine.
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  12. #12
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Here in the province we couldn't operate without a car,its that simple..
    Most expats here drive small motorbikes as trikes are thin on the ground and the multicabs are often full of students packed in like sardines..
    Saw a little girl unconscious on the road 2 days ago still in her school uniform..The jeep driver pulled away while she was trying to exit..She`s still in a coma.
    I've lost many expat friends here due to bike accidents..Mostly unavoidable accidents.
    Get a car.

  13. #13
    Respected Member SimonH's Avatar
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    There's no way I could do without a car and there's equally as little chance of me being seen on a motorbike.

  14. #14
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Saw a little girl unconscious on the road 2 days ago still in her school uniform..The jeep driver pulled away while she was trying to exit..She`s still in a coma.
    My niece that goes to her school tells me she died this morning.. Parents had no money for OP but doctors doubted it would have made a difference.. Very sad.
    RIP young lady.

  15. #15
    Respected Member SimonH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    My niece that goes to her school tells me she died this morning.. Parents had no money for OP but doctors doubted it would have made a difference.. Very sad.
    RIP young lady.
    Sorry to read Fred, such a waste of a life really only just begun.

  16. #16
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Very sad. And the jeepney driver gets away with it.
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  17. #17
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Sorry to read Fred, such a waste of a life really only just begun.
    Yeah...Ive noticed in my life that when these things happen before our very eyes in 3D they effect us more than just reading about them in the news...

    Very sad. And the jeepney driver gets away with it.
    Not sure about that yet Steve...It didnt happen in our Barangay so not sure who to ask about that...Usually someone has to pay the bereaved one way or another..
    Such a tragedy...If that happened to one of mine I`d ensure a nuclear explosion in that vicinity after a time..
    Someone would pay..Thats for sure.

  18. #18
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    I can't afford to buy a (decent) car there, but it would be handy, as we're about 3 miles out of town, and not on a jeepney route.

    I could never feel safe on a solo motorcycle of any description there... on the open road, so I'm happy to suffer a little inconvenience and be driven in the trikes belonging to my relatives, plus avail of the usual cheap and pretty efficient public transport options.

    No tarmac or cement even, on the road to our place. Not good for an expensive car.


  19. #19
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    When my ex and I used to go to her family at Davin we had a 5 kilometre journey up the mountain sometimes we would walk and on most occasions we used Habel habel p40

  20. #20
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    My niece that goes to her school tells me she died this morning.. Parents had no money for OP but doctors doubted it would have made a difference.. Very sad.
    RIP young lady.
    So sad to hear of such a tragic event Fred, RIP.

  21. #21
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Its amazing that more people are not killed , when you see how many people are hanging on the back of these vehicles , and its mainly school children when coming out of schools,

  22. #22
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    There are always 'hangers' on the jeepney at peak times
    Many are non-payers. Street dwellers

    To be honest, I've never ever seen students hanging on at the back. Neither here in Manila nor in Davao City. Well, not the ones in any uniform.

    Maybe I live a sheltered life

    No offence, just my experience.

    Agreed though. Quite a few Jeepney drivers are reckless and careless. But, IMHO, nowhere near the majority.

  23. #23
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    I remember many years ago when an expat 'friend of a friend' was riding the back of a Jeepney on the rough (then) road between Sabang and Puerto Galera proper, Mindoro.

    He fell and cracked the back of his head.

    It killed him.

    I've often hung on to the back of them myself in younger days...during Manila rush hour or sometimes in Angeles City, when we lived there. Have to remember to hold on to your hat !

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