Its been a long time since i have got stuck into any work on the house but there are things to do now, is it just me or when you sit there looking you think, it looks fine to me ,
Well it seems every room needs changing in some way or another,
I had a builder come round the other day to get on the roof and i am going to have a chimney capped and a few slates sorted out, he is also going to replace a few bricks in the walls that have corroded with frost and water damage , i have no idea about the price and yes its a job i could do but when and how long would this take me , he will do it all in 1 day, so its better to pay and get this done,
Decorating a few rooms and a lick of paint here and there too, garden to change a little moving plants from here to there ,
All this work should keep us both busy and the cost i have a rough idea , bloody hell i tied already , time for a coffee and look at all this again