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Thread: France and there troubles

  1. #1
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    France and there troubles

    Can anyone explain to me and maybe others too why is seems that France is having all these troubles in the last year,
    We have all seen the news about the troubles and most if not all are done by some extremist organization or a single person who may claim to be part of them , or even worst is the organization claims responsibility for these crimes.
    Take today on the news about the chap who stabs a family on holiday because they where scantily dressed while eating there breakfast,
    Ok there may be some people who walk around with very little on but what rights have any person to attack and try to kill someone,
    They are saying that this person is of Moroccan origin, who knows ,but is it a case of where ever you call home you abide by there rules and not your own ,
    To many people are coming into the free world with all there own home rules where the females are nothing but there to obey and do as there are told and not to be seen,
    Again i must state i am not a racist i just see what is out there , these people who are wanting all that the west can offer , freedom , a new life , a new beginning, is this what they are wanting of just there old ways in a new country

  2. #2
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    The trouble is Steve that France has a huge coastal border. Close by boat to the north african counties, many of which are Muslim. Not only this but with the freedom of movement around europe it entices many undesirable, many of whom are happy to try and terrorise our way of life. They don't want to fit in, they just want to take what is good and crap on what 'they' think is wrong or against their faith system. Thank goodness we have the English Channel
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  3. #3
    Respected Member marksroomspain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    "Again i must state i am not a racist"
    Certainly not Steve you married a beautiful filipina...

    Fully agree Steve.r "English Channel" and now not long for Independence when we finally pull out of the European cesspit...

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