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Thread: Regrets or just deep thinking

  1. #1
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Regrets or just deep thinking

    Regret's we all have them, and deep thinking are they the same do you think,
    Just lately i have been having the same thoughts, a child between us,
    It will soon be 6 years since Emma came to England so if we had planned to have a child they may have been either 6 or even younger,
    My second grandchild was born on our wedding day so in a way he could be our child, he does bring joy to us both and Emma is great with him, she has so much time for him where i after a few minutes of why why why why WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY grandad i am ready to say bye bye,
    Our life is very good and having that child we would not be able to do the things we have done and are wanting to do and i do know that many will say you manage and its the best thing that can happen and it makes your life complete too, and i agree too, but you both have to want that child and plan for that child too.
    So are there any regrets , NO, deep thinking YES , Emma's content, she loves work, sends money to her dad, has nice things and she has me her big baby , i have offered to get her a budgie but trying to explain what one is i gave up and said i would get her some love birds instead .

  2. #2
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    The woman has to do most of the work and has to live with whatever damage it does to her body, so it's her decision I suppose.

    Our baby boy wasn't particularly planned (but was very much wanted by Mercedes). When they arrive though, nature takes over.

  3. #3
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    When they arrive though, nature takes over.
    Nice words Graham
    Last edited by Arthur Little; 21st July 2016 at 11:55. Reason: Added Opening [QUOTE]

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