To tell the truth boys these are just numbers on a piece of paper, my biggest goal is to have cash in the bank for now, i can see that and it looks great, it will not go down it will not go up, ok inflation and interest i know will make a difference but its hard cash i own and its all mine, well Emma's too,
When the time comes for me to sort out the pension pots and i have others as well, i am wanting to cash the small ones in as some sort of draw down, but this all depends on the charges, i know things can change and i know you can only receive so much before you pay tax and also you can take a quarter too,
I have a good 8 years before i can draw my state pension so i am trying to get all this private stuff out of the way before then.
I am trying to finnish work in the coming months NOT YEARS, but Ems keeps pushing those goalpost further away,
I just keep telling her we have enough, I THINK