France has a different challenge to the UK as society is very segregated. Over there society is generally more racist and immigrants have a really hard time getting out of the 'ghetto' council tower blocks on the edge of cities where they live. In a way it is a similar issue to the US, with a 2 class society. Also France has a lot of immigrants from North Africa (the 'Dom Tom' colonies). The UK has different 'potentially troublesome' immigrants mostly - Pakistan, Iraq, Somalia (generalising a bit here).

We are on hols in the US at the moment and struck up a conversation with a 'granny' in the laundry at the condo we're staying in. Crikey/OMG etc. Apparently there is only one religion and the rest are complete fantasies, and the Koran DOES tell them to go out and kill etc. She seemed like a nice lady apart from this ... Oh and her acceptance that there is a single world order with members such as Merkel, May, Trump and others. She did think voting yes to Brexit was the right thing to do though.

For the first time in a long time I kept my gob shut. Last time I 'challenged' a white supremacist/racist/sexist from somewhere 'South' in a hotel bar in Seattle. That got interesting. I only did it because of his 'fcuk everyone else' attitude and loud manner. Of course he went away from our conversation not understanding some things I'd said, too much real data makes some people's brain hurt :-)