Hi all,
good news my wife had her FLR(FP) approved on the 10 year route. We had to switch from FLR(M) as I lost my job and even though I gained another job 5 days later it meant we could not pursue that route, not even on Cat B as I had not earned 18,600 over 12 months.

Anyway for others applying her out of date English test was ok and no problems with that.

It was stressful day. up at 3:45AM and after one hour travelling we realised the passports were left behind! A quick call and my dad met us half way back saving 30 minutes. An increase of mph gave us a gain of 20 minutes and we arrived at Cardiff with nearly one hour to spare.

Parking is easy as there are parking lots outside £5 for 5 hours. You walk in and have security check like at the airport then show your receipt booking time etc that you printed off then go up stairs show your details to the officer there who will allocate a ticket and you will be called to do your bio metrics first then later you will hand all your documents and have a result in about 2 hours. Alas the IT system played up and we had to wait for 5 hours!

There are hot drinks machine 50p per cup and cold water free.

For children there are no toys just a few Reading books but there is a TV.

If you wish to go out for a while just ask of send your other half out. You will have to go through the whole security check thing each time.

Staff are very friendly and helpful.

Hope this helps.


PS We start gathering documents again in February!