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Thread: The good old days

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  1. #1
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    The good old days

    The good old days,
    When you had no cares in the world.
    I was just having a few thoughts to myself of when i was so young and living with mum and dad and all my brothers and sisters.
    I am the youngest of the men in my family and also a twin too, and there is a younger sister then me, then there are another 4 sisters and another 7 brothers who are older then me so that makes a grand total of 13 plus mum and dad so life was busy.
    Well i say busy we all had our own jobs once we could do them that is, cleaning out the old ashes in the grate first thing in the morning and making the new fire was one of the jobs, pot washing was on going too, plus turning the old mangle and even washing the cloths in the old dolly tub , life was great when the twin tub washing machine came to our house, then there was always brushing the garden path and even the front pavement outside the house.
    The there was the sharing of things, i can remember sharing a bed with 4 brothers , 3 at the top and 2 at the bottom , the old army blankets and even the old trench coats thrown on the beds to keep us warm,
    My brother use to tell me when they came in later at night they use to move me to the cold part and get in my place where it was warm and on some nights when it was so coat the y use to get in the bed wearing the trench coats,i must add this was just a double bed too,.
    Later on in life i moved into a single bed but shared again with my older brother, can anyone remember Brentford Nylons poly cotton sheets, so cold when you got in but so warm when you had to get out too and those stupid colours .
    Feeding time well it was a all for all in the mornings, but it was always porridge or cornflakes and if we wanted a cup of tea afterwards we had to save the milk from the cornflakes or it was just black tea, lots of beans on toast at night or just bread and dripping or farmhouse loaf with lurpak butter so hard it tore the bread apart.
    Saturday tea time we had a choice or ham sandwich or banana sandwich and Sunday well that was the best day , breakfast toast, dinner was always a roast dinner but again we would save the yorkshire pudding and put jam in them for our puddings, teatime was always salad with homemade onions and cucumber soaked in vinegar and followed by a homemade trifle and because i was always hungry i use to make a sandwich out of the trifle yum yum ,
    Friday night was shopping night , down to fine fare with the shopping list and trolley and so mush tea and sugar was brought and if we could steal the oxo cubs we could spend that money on sweets , Saturday was cloths washing day and it lasted hours too so many loads on the kitchen floor whites stacked here darks stacked there , how the hell my mum did it all i have no idea,
    Sunday night was bath night and sharing that bath with 2 brothers too, and that was after the girls had had there bath first , that water was used very well, i dont know if the water was dirty with dirt or just that colour from all the soap that was used,and god helped you if you sat at the tap end .
    Just a little part of my life growing up, funny looking back there was no horrible times but happy times of a plenty

  2. #2
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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