Doesn't look nice....
Doesn't look nice....
Reduce the temperature and it could be a typical English summer.....
Is there flooding in Marikina near the Sports center, how home is not to far from there
That's for sure...
We finally ventured out to the supermarket in the rain each with our own umbrella and dressed especially for the downpour.
Had a great walk and a great time in the Riverbanks Mall.
The local Savemore supermarket was busy installing their 'Flood Guardian'
I asked if a flood was expected and they said yes maybe as the river now is lapping into the car parks
We had a snack whilst watching a talent contest in Riverbanks. As usual I was greedy with the foods and the beer.
The singers in the talent contest were outstanding. I wouldn't want to be a judge.
First prize P3k, second P2k and third P1k
It's hard to imagine such high level talent turning out in the severe rainstorms for that money. That's the Philippines
The rain seems to have slowed down now. Maybe it will stop raining tonight.
I bought a tin of Bostik Super Vulca Seal to try and fix my leaks (based on fred's recommendation)
That'll have to wait until tomorow.
Bet the rains stops and I wont be able to pinpoint the repair locations![]()
The river always overflows in Marikina and that area has always been prone to very bad flooding
With that in mind i must say i am surprised that any ex pats choose to live there
Yes i know the Philippines floods in many places but some ares are much worse than others
Surely when planning or relocating to live anywhere in the phills top of the list must be the flooding situation
I was marooned in Pasig once for 3 days and its not a situation i would like to ever repeat
We have a house in marikina and they have been lucky , just the one bad flood but that was human error, other then that it's OK, but just down the road a few mile it does get quite high,
We've owned our house in Marikina for over 20 years. Never been flooded, never ever could be flooded.
As you say Steve, Marikina City is a place of highs and lows. Of course the lows are along the banks of river and well known for floods. Most of Marikina is high.
Anyone who has first hand knowledge of Marikina would have appreciated the 'lay-of-the-land' so to speak.
I went for a walk to SM Marikina just a while ago.
Riverbanks is only a few mins walk from my house (steep downhill going, steep uphill coming home)
From Riverbanks to SM Marikina City you can take a Taxi or walk. A walk over the Marcos Bridge (and Marikina River ) from Riverbanks is just a few minutes. By taxi it's a good 10 minutes and around P80-P100
From what I saw tonight the river is probably around 12 - 15 inches from flooding into the road.
Probably a metre from flooding into the Riverbanks area and maybe the Shopping centre.
Also it could be inches deep in the basement parking of SM Marikina
I've not yet been to the Marikina Sport Centre Steve so can't say anything about that.
As reported at the time, blocked drains and ssewerage system together with stacked uncollected domestic waste were major factors in the flood.
Pretty much the same all over NCR although some improvements have been made.
I'll try and post some pics later.
Its nothing to do with negativity its about positively finding out about where one is going to live
Are suggesting that finding out in advance if a certain area where you are planning to live is prone
to flooding is a bad idea?
I lived through it and the putrid smell once the water has gone and i hope others don't have to experience it
You just don't get it do you
Let me try and explain..... It's about your negative attitude towards everything, you never have a positive or good thing to say about anything. Even if you had read Terpe's post above yours you'd have realised that he'd done his due diligence about flooding before buying the house.
Try saying something nice for once, or maybe even just agreeing with someone rather than being antagonistic all the time![]()
Oh dear you are not the sharpest tool in the box are you
You post pics of your Angeles mansion on here and then attack people on an open forum
I don't care what you think of my posts and i find your silly point scoring posts rather pathetic
Look at these awful unions getting the workers back the pay they were entitled to
I suppose the disgusting creature billionaire Mike Ashley would have paid it out anyway even if the
union was not around![]()
If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up
LM can I ask you how do you know all there is to know about the Phil's,did you live there and for how long.
Like I have said our home is in marikina and having only been on long holidays I know I still have lots to learn .
Because we live abroad people think we are rich. I live here just on pension alone. If I was in the UK I would have to be cap in hand for benifits.
I lived in Cainta for 6 months which happens to be not a million miles away from Marikina
Flooding varies a lot over there as i know one street in pasig in which one end always floods
and the other end remains flood free
Local knowledge is paramount when choosing to live anywhere over there
I don't see any name calling there i just clearly stated the facts
I suggest you review his smarmy posts directed at me of which most of the time i ignore
Its fine for him to jump on my posts with silly comments but i am not allowed to even reply
I respond once and all you can do is warn me i don't call that fair treatment at all
Please explain this section of your post.Oh dear you are not the sharpest tool in the box are you
You post pics of your Angeles mansion on here and then attack people on an open forum
If a member decides to post pictures of his personal property and home in the general forum,it means he trusts us enough to view them..
Anyway..He posted those ages ago and since you have reminded me, I thank him again for them.
What we do not appreciate is your crass attitude and snide "mansion" remark which was unnecessary.
2 people thus far have interpreted it as a veiled threat..
If it was me,I`d just apologize to the guy so that we can just move on to more productive stuff..
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